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APA clinical practice guideline for psychological and other nonpharmacological treatment of chronic musculoskeletal pain in adults
Prasad R, Mueller KL, Bruns D, Cagle JG, Cowan P, George SZ, Martorella G, McGeary CA, Norris JT, Schatman ME, Halfond R, Marzalik JS [American Psychological Association]
practice guideline

The American Psychological Association developed this clinical practice guideline to provide recommendations for the nonpharmacological treatment of chronic musculoskeletal pain in adults. Three systematic reviews and meta-analyses, along with other literature and observations from practitioners and patients, served as the basis for the guideline. The guideline development panel consisted of health professionals from psychology, occupational medicine, nursing, social work, physical therapy, as well as community members who self-identified as having chronic musculoskeletal pain. The panel examined the efficacy of noninvasive, nonpharmacological treatments and of complementary and integrative medicine treatments. It also examined comparative effectiveness among noninvasive, nonpharmacological treatments (by themselves and in combination with other treatments or select nonopioid, pharmacologic approaches) and comparative effectiveness of noninvasive, nonpharmacological treatments in relation to complementary and integrative medicine treatments or select nonopioid, pharmacologic treatments. First-line and second-line recommendations for the treatment of chronic musculoskeletal pain as well as areas where there was insufficient evidence for the panel to recommend for or against a specific treatment are noted in this guideline. The guideline also discusses the importance of cultural variations in assessing and treating chronic musculoskeletal pain, addresses strategies for implementing the findings into practice, and reviews gaps identified in the literature where future research is warranted.

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