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Found 858 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
Effectiveness of an extension-oriented treatment approach in a subgroup of subjects with low back pain: a randomized clinical trial clinical trial 6/10 Select
The effectiveness of motorised lumbar traction in the management of LBP with lumbo sacral nerve root involvement: a feasibility study clinical trial 6/10 Select
Effectiveness of a back pain prevention program: a cluster randomized controlled trial in an occupational setting [with consumer summary] clinical trial 6/10 Select
(Therapeutic effect of compositive rehabilitation on lumber disc herniation) [Chinese - simplified characters] clinical trial 6/10 Select
Client-centered therapy versus exercise therapy for chronic low back pain: a pilot randomized controlled trial in Brazil clinical trial 6/10 Select
Slump stretching in the management of non-radicular low back pain: a pilot clinical trial clinical trial 6/10 Select
Mulligan bent leg raise technique -- a preliminary randomized trial of immediate effects after a single intervention clinical trial 6/10 Select
A prospective randomised controlled trial of spinal manipulation and ultrasound in the treatment of chronic low back pain [with consumer summary] clinical trial 6/10 Select
Lumbar spine segmental mobility assessment: an examination of validity for determining intervention strategies in patients with low back pain clinical trial 6/10 Select
(Effect of acupuncture treatment on chronic low back pain with leg pain in aged patients -- a controlled trial about short term effects of trigger point acupuncture) [Japanese] clinical trial 6/10 Select
(Comparison of acupuncture-moxibustion and physiotherapy in treating chronic non-specific low back pain) [Chinese - simplified characters] clinical trial 6/10 Select
Chronic disease self-management program for low back pain in the elderly clinical trial 6/10 Select
Joining forces -- combining cognition-targeted motor control training with group or individual pain physiology education: a successful treatment for chronic low back pain clinical trial 6/10 Select
Continuous low-level heatwrap therapy for treating acute nonspecific low back pain clinical trial 6/10 Select
Does the choice of spinal level treated during posteroanterior (PA) mobilisation affect treatment outcome? clinical trial 6/10 Select
The effectiveness of physical modalities among patients with low back pain randomized to chiropractic care: findings from the UCLA low back pain study clinical trial 6/10 Select
Blind faith? The effects of promoting active sick leave for back pain patients: a cluster-randomized controlled trial [with consumer summary] clinical trial 6/10 Select
Long-term effects of specific stabilizing exercises for first-episode low back pain [with consumer summary] clinical trial 6/10 Select
Kraftzuwachs nach aktiver therapie bei patienten mit chronischen ruckenschmerzen (LBP): muskulare adaptationen und klinische relevanz (Increase in strength after active therapy in chronic low back pain (CLBP) patients: muscular adaptations and clinical relevance) [German] clinical trial 6/10 Select
Akupunktmassage nach penzel versus klassische teilmassage und einzel versus gruppenkrankengymnastik bei chronischen ruckenschmerzen -- eine randomisierte, kontrollierte klinische studie in 2x2-faktoriellem design (Acupuncture massage versus Swedish massage and individual exercises versus group exercises in low back pain sufferers -- a randomised controlled clinical trial in a 2x2 factorial design) [German] clinical trial 6/10 Select
Exercise therapy compliance in acute low back pain patients clinical trial 6/10 Select
Effectiveness of spa therapy in chronic low back pain: a randomized clinical trial clinical trial 6/10 Select
Short and long-term effect of spa therapy in chronic low back pain clinical trial 6/10 Select
A randomized controlled trial of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (CODETRON) to determine its benefits in a rehabilitation program for acute occupational low back pain clinical trial 6/10 Select
Non-pharmacological home therapies for subacute low back pain in active duty military personnel: a randomized controlled trial clinical trial 5/10 Select