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Found 1,087 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
Differential effects of high-frequency versus low-frequency exercise training in rehabilitation of patients with coronary artery disease clinical trial 5/10 Select
Change in self-efficacy during cardiac rehabilitation and the role of perceived overprotectiveness clinical trial 5/10 Select
A controlled trial of exercise rehabilitation after heart transplantation clinical trial 5/10 Select
Effect of relaxation therapy on cardiac events after myocardial infarction: a 5-year follow-up study clinical trial 5/10 Select
Safety and efficacy of weight training soon after acute myocardial infarction clinical trial 5/10 Select
Effects of muscle electrical stimulation on peak VO2 in cardiac transplant patients clinical trial 5/10 Select
Effects of high-intensity strength training on quality-of-life parameters in cardiac rehabilitation patients clinical trial 5/10 Select
The effects of a community-based pulmonary rehabilitation programme on exercise tolerance and quality of life: a randomized controlled trial clinical trial 5/10 Select
Effect of high intensity exercise training on central hemodynamic responses to exercise in men with reduced left ventricular function clinical trial 5/10 Select
Quality of life and return to work 5 years after coronary artery bypass surgery. Long-term results of cardiac rehabilitation clinical trial 5/10 Select
(Effects of physical training on autonomic nerve activity in patients with acute myocardial infarction) [Japanese] clinical trial 5/10 Select
Gunstige effecten van adem -- en ontspanningsinstructie in de hartrevalidatie: een gerandomiseerd follow-uponderzoek gedurende 5 jaar (Favorable effects of breathing and relaxation instructions in heart rehabilitation: a randomized 5-year follow-up study) [Dutch] clinical trial 5/10 Select
Effect of exercise training on myocardial remodeling in patients with reduced left ventricular function after myocardial infarction: application of magnetic resonance imaging clinical trial 5/10 Select
Effects of five years of cardiac rehabilitation after coronary artery bypass grafting on coronary risk factors clinical trial 5/10 Select
Adherence in the training levels comparison trial clinical trial 5/10 Select
Rehabilitation: a valuable complement to therapy in heart failure clinical trial 5/10 Select
Reduction in sudden deaths and coronary mortality in myocardial infarction patients after rehabilitation. 15 year follow-up study clinical trial 5/10 Select
Profile of mood states and cardiac rehabilitation after acute myocardial infarction clinical trial 5/10 Select
Cardiac rehabilitation and return to work after coronary artery bypass surgery clinical trial 5/10 Select
Evaluacion del entrenamiento fisico domiciliario precoz despues de un infarto agudo de miocardio (Evaluation of home physical training soon after acute myocardial infarction) [Spanish] clinical trial 5/10 Select
Failure of exercise to reduce blood pressure in patients with mild hypertension. Results of a randomized controlled trial clinical trial 5/10 Select
Is phase 2 cardiac rehabilitation necessary for early recovery of patients with cardiac disease? A randomized, controlled study clinical trial 5/10 Select
Randomized 4-week exercise program in patients with impaired left ventricular function clinical trial 5/10 Select
Effects on quality of life with comprehensive rehabilitation after acute myocardial infarction clinical trial 5/10 Select
A supportive-educative telephone program: impact on knowledge and anxiety after coronary artery bypass graft surgery clinical trial 5/10 Select