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Found 1,087 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
(Comparison of the effect of continuous and interval aerobic training on brachial artery diameter and endothelial function in a patient with coronary artery bypass grafting surgery) [Persian] clinical trial currently being rated Select
(Clinical efficacy of a personalized exercise program in the rehabilitation of patients with atrial fibrillation after radiofrequency ablation) [Russian] [with consumer summary] clinical trial currently being rated Select
(Effect of different volumes of high-intensity interval training on serum troponin I and creatine kinaseMB levels in patients after myocardial infarction) [Persian] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Application of home-based resistance training in cardiac rehabilitation for patients with coronary heart disease [Chinese - simplified characters] clinical trial currently being rated Select
(The effects of implementation cardiac rehabilitation program using a mobile application on activity tolerance, fatigue, and dyspnea in patients with myocardial infraction; a randomized clinical trial study) [Persian] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Kompleksirovanie fizicheskikh trenirovok s fizioterapevticheskimi metodami vosstanovleniya metabolizma miokarda v reabilitatsii patsientov, perenesshikh ostryi koronarnyi sindrom i kardiokhirurgicheskuyu revaskulyarizatsiyu miokarda (Physical training integration with physiotherapeutic methods of myocardial metabolism recovery in the rehabilitation of patients after acute coronary syndrome and cardiosurgical myocardial revascularization) [Russian] clinical trial currently being rated Select
(Cardiac rehabilitation program and vitamin D supplement on NO, ET1, VEGF, anxiety, and depression levels in cardiac patients after coronary artery bypass grafting) [Persian] clinical trial currently being rated Select
(The effect of continuous and interval cardiac rehabilitation exercise training on tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin 1 beta (IL-1beta), and interleukin 6 (IL-6) in patients with coronary artery bypass graft) [Persian] clinical trial currently being rated Select
(Individualization of exercise load control for inpatient cardiac rehabilitation. Development and evaluation of a HRV-based intervention program for patients with ischemic heart failure) [German] clinical trial currently being rated Select
(Comparing the effect of eight weeks of high-intensity interval training and moderate-intensity continuous training on physiological variables of exercise stress test in cardiac patient after coronary artery bypass graft) [Persian] clinical trial currently being rated Select
(Effect of cardiac rehabilitation on quality of life in myocardial infarction patients in Zanjan) [Persian] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Ahrif hjartaendurhaefingar a hjartabilaetha (The effect of physical training in chronic heart failure) [Icelandic] clinical trial currently being rated Select