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Found 4,659 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
Effects of Kinesiotaping combined with the motor relearning method on upper limb motor function in adults with hemiparesis after stroke clinical trial 3/10 Select
Effectiveness of transcutaneous electrical stimulation of vagus nerve among post stroke urinary incontinence clinical trial 3/10 Select
The effect of visual feedback assisted bicycle ergometry in improving functional activities of lower extremity among post stroke patients -- quasi experimental study clinical trial 3/10 Select
Efficacy of music therapy in the rehabilitation of stroke patients clinical trial 3/10 Select
Wristband Accelerometers to motiVate arm Exercises after Stroke (WAVES): a pilot randomized controlled trial [with consumer summary] clinical trial 3/10 Select
Long-term effect of promoting in-hospital physical activity on postdischarge patients with mild ischemic stroke clinical trial 3/10 Select
Pelvic floor muscle training combined acupuncture for treatment of urinary incontinence after stroke clinical trial 3/10 Select
Effectiveness of dynamic balance training with and without visual feedback on balance in ambulatory stroke patients clinical trial 3/10 Select
Wplyw zabiegow z zakresu wodolecznictwa i treningu fizycznego na wybrane parametry hemodynamiczne ukladu krazenia u chorych z miazdzycowa choroba naczyn obwodowych (The influence of hydrotherapy and physical training procedures on selected haemodynamic parameters of the circulatory system in patients with atherosclerotic peripheral vascular disease) [Polish] clinical trial 3/10 Select
Effectiveness of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation versus strengthening of lower extremity in dancers performing drop landing clinical trial 3/10 Select
Clinical observation of effects of ultrashort wave therapy combined with acupuncture and rehabilitation training in the treatment of patients with dysphagia after stroke clinical trial 3/10 Select
Efficacy of acupuncture treatment on dysphagia staging after acute ischemic stroke clinical trial 3/10 Select
Acute stroke rehabilitation for gait training with cyborg type robot hybrid assistive limb: a pilot study [with consumer summary] clinical trial 3/10 Select
Effect of Swissball exercise versus plinth exercises in improving trunk control among hemiparetic patients -- a comparative study clinical trial 3/10 Select
Mirror and vibration therapies effects on the upper limbs of hemiparetic patients after stroke: a pilot study clinical trial 3/10 Select
The effect of educational intervention on family caregivers' perceived threat of the risk of dependence among patients with stroke: a randomized clinical trial clinical trial 3/10 Select
Long-term effect of participation in an early exercise and education program on clinical outcomes and cost implications, in patients with TIA and minor, non-disabling stroke clinical trial 3/10 Select
Changes of gait parameters following constrained-weight shift training in patients with stroke clinical trial 3/10 Select
(The complex program of rehabilitation of patients with ischemic heart disease after coronary artery bypass surgery in ambulatory cardiorehabilitational department: clinical effects of third stage of rehabilitation) [Russian] clinical trial 3/10 Select
Changes of BFGF and VEGF in patients with ischemic stroke treated by acupuncture-moxibustion with du channel-unblocking acupuncture method clinical trial 3/10 Select
The effect of the inspiratory muscle training on functional ability in stroke patients clinical trial 3/10 Select
Handwriting training in Parkinson's disease: a trade-off between size, speed and fluency clinical trial 3/10 Select
(Therapeutic effect observation of post-stroke shoulder pain treated with the touching-periosteum needling technique of the meridian muscle region theory) [Chinese - simplified characters] clinical trial 3/10 Select
The effects of gait training with body weight support (BWS) with no body weight support (no-BWS) in stroke patients clinical trial 3/10 Select
The effects of acupuncture on cerebral blood flow in post-stroke patients: a randomized controlled trial clinical trial 3/10 Select