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Found 4,659 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
Feasibility of a serious game system including a tangible object for post stroke upper limb rehabilitation: a pilot randomized clinical study clinical trial 8/10 Select
Moderate intensity aerobic exercise may enhance neuroplasticity of the contralesional hemisphere after stroke: a randomised controlled study clinical trial 8/10 Select
Ankle rehabilitation robot training for stroke patients with foot drop: optimizing intensity and frequency clinical trial 8/10 Select
The influence of radial extracorporeal shock wave therapy on shoulder pain and structural abnormalities in stroke patients clinical trial 8/10 Select
Yoga in the rehabilitation of post-stroke sequelae: a non-inferiority randomized controlled trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
Effect of Graded Motor Imagery Combined With Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Upper Extremity Motor Function in Stroke Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
Effects of gait training with and without proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation on balance and gait in chronic stroke patients clinical trial 8/10 Select
Core stability exercises yield multiple benefits for patients with chronic stroke -- randomized controlled trial [with consumer summary] clinical trial 8/10 Select
Baduanjin exercise ameliorates motor function in patients with post-stroke cognitive impairment: a randomized controlled trial [with consumer summary] clinical trial 8/10 Select
Program of rehabilitative exercise and education to avert vascular events after non-disabling stroke or transient ischemic attack (PREVENT trial): a randomized controlled trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
Effect of abdominal acupuncture combined with routine rehabilitation training on shoulder-hand syndrome after stroke: a randomized controlled trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
Effects of a transitional home-based care program for stroke survivors in Harbin, China: a randomized controlled trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation combined with neuromuscular electrical stimulation on upper extremity motor function in patients with stroke [with consumer summary] clinical trial 8/10 Select
Comparing the effects of short-term Liuzijue exercise and core stability training on balance function in patients recovering from stroke: a pilot randomized controlled trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
Improving physical activity after stroke via treadmill training (ImPAcT) and self-management: a randomised trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
Adjunct non-elastic hip taping improves gait stability in cane-assisted individuals with chronic stroke: a randomized controlled trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
Effect of pulmonary training for community-dwelling frail older adults with chronic stroke: a randomized controlled pilot trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
A randomized sham-controlled trial on the effects of dual-tDCS "during" physical therapy on lower limb performance in sub-acute stroke and a comparison to the previous study using a "before" stimulation protocol clinical trial 8/10 Select
Long-term effect of additional rehabilitation following botulinum toxin-A on upper limb activity in chronic stroke: the InTENSE randomised trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
Effect of progressive bridging exercise on weight-bearing during the extension phase of sit-to-stand, and on sit-to-stand ability in individuals with stroke: a randomised controlled trial [with consumer summary] clinical trial 8/10 Select
Bilateral movement-based computer games improve sensorimotor functions in subacute stroke survivors [with consumer summary] clinical trial 8/10 Select
Telehealth coaching to improve self-management for secondary prevention after stroke: a randomized controlled trial of Stroke Coach clinical trial 8/10 Select
Virtual feedback for arm motor function rehabilitation after stroke: a randomized controlled trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
Effect of an exercise intervention on global cognition after transient ischemic attack or minor stroke: the MoveIT randomized controlled trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
Effects of inclined treadmill training on inadequate ankle control during walking in individuals after stroke: a pilot randomized controlled trial clinical trial 8/10 Select