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Found 172 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
Effectiveness and safety of a nonremovable fiberglass off-bearing cast versus a therapeutic shoe in the treatment of neuropathic foot ulcers: a randomized study clinical trial 4/10 Select
Effect of high-pressure, intermittent pneumatic compression for the treatment of peripheral arterial disease and critical limb ischemia in patients without a surgical option clinical trial 3/10 Select
The SAFE or SORRY? programme. Part II: effect on preventive care clinical trial 3/10 Select
Comparison of the effectiveness of compression stockings and layer compression systems in venous ulceration treatment clinical trial 3/10 Select
A comparative study between total contact casting and conventional dressings in the nonsurgical management of diabetic plantar foot ulcers clinical trial 3/10 Select
Use of polarised light as a method of pressure ulcer prevention in an adult intensive care unit clinical trial 3/10 Select
A comparative, randomized, controlled study to determine safety and efficacy of preventive pressure ulcer systems: preliminary analysis clinical trial 3/10 Select
Low frequency pulsed current and pressure ulcer healing clinical trial 3/10 Select
Kompressionsstrumpfe zur behandlung venoser unterschenkelgeschwure (Compression stockings in treatment of lower leg venous ulcer) [German] clinical trial 3/10 Select
A study of pressure ulcer response to low air loss beds versus conventional treatment clinical trial 3/10 Select
The effect of diapulse therapy on the healing of decubitus ulcer clinical trial 3/10 Select
Efficacy of high voltage pulsed current for healing of pressure ulcers in patients with spinal cord injury clinical trial 3/10 Select
Prevention of pressure ulcers in elderly nursing home residents: are special support surfaces the answer? [with consumer summary] clinical trial 3/10 Select
Pressure ulcer prevention program study: a randomized, controlled prospective comparative value evaluation of 2 pressure ulcer prevention strategies in nursing and rehabilitation centers clinical trial 2/10 Select
Monochromatic phototherapy in elderly patients: a new way of treating chronic pressure ulcers? clinical trial 2/10 Select
The relationship between pressure ulcer incidence and buttock-seat cushion interface pressure in at-risk elderly wheelchair users clinical trial 2/10 Select
Cost-effectiveness of low-air-loss beds for treatment of pressure ulcers clinical trial 2/10 Select
The role of support surfaces and patient attributes in preventing pressure ulcers in elderly patients clinical trial 2/10 Select
Lothian and Forth Valley leg ulcer healing trial, part 1: elastic versus non-elastic bandaging in the treatment of chronic leg ulceration clinical trial 2/10 Select
Effect of Buerger-Allen exercise on wound healing in patients with diabetic foot ulcers: a randomised controlled trial clinical trial currently being rated Select
The effects of using heel protectors on the prevention of heel pressure injuries and plantar flexion contractures [with consumer summary] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Heling af venose bensar. En randomiseret prospektiv undersogelse af en langstroek- versus en kortstroek-kompressionsbandage (Healing of venous leg ulcers: a randomized prospective study of a long-stretch versus short-stretch compression bandage) [Danish] clinical trial currently being rated Select