Orthopaedics Update

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Found 10 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
Rehabilitation after total or hemi elbow arthroplasty: a systematic review systematic review N/A Select
The effect of exercise interventions on gait outcomes in subacute and chronic rehabilitation from lower-limb amputation: a systematic review and meta-analysis systematic review N/A Select
The effectiveness of graded motor imagery and its components on phantom limb pain in amputated patients: a systematic review [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Application of virtual reality technology in postoperative rehabilitation following total knee arthroplasty: a scoping review systematic review N/A Select
Impact of healthcare interventions on distress following acute musculoskeletal/orthopaedic injury: a scoping review of systematic reviews [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Effect of Kinesio Taping on edema and wrist functions in patients with distal radius fracture followed conservatively with a cast: a randomized controlled single-blinded study [with consumer summary] clinical trial 6/10 Select
Roy's adaptation model-guided education and promoting the adaptation of veterans with lower extremities amputation clinical trial 6/10 Select
Sensory re-education after free neurovascular toe pulp flap for digital pulp reconstruction clinical trial 5/10 Select
Influence of health education based on the transtheoretical model on kinesiophobia levels and rehabilitation outcomes in elderly patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty clinical trial 5/10 Select
The effects of early progressive closed kinetic chain exercises in comparison with standard exercise program after bilateral total knee arthroplasty -- randomized controlled study [Turkish] clinical trial 5/10 Select