Chronic Pain Update

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Found 24 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
The influence of exercise on pain, disability and quality of life in office workers with chronic neck pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis systematic review N/A Select
Effect of myofascial release and muscle energy technique on patients with chronic neck pain: a scoping review systematic review N/A Select
Effectiveness of myofascial release for adults with chronic neck pain: a meta-analysis [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
The effects of neck exercise in comparison to passive or no intervention on quantitative sensory testing measurements in adults with chronic neck pain: a systematic review systematic review N/A Select
Shoulder specific exercise therapy is effective in reducing chronic shoulder pain: a network meta-analysis systematic review N/A Select
Manejo del dolor cronico no oncologico con programas multicomponentes de terapias no farmacologicas: revision sistematica de la literatura (Management of chronic non-oncologic pain by multicomponent programs using non-pharmacologic therapies: a systematic review of the literature) [Spanish] systematic review N/A Select
Swimming for low back pain: a scoping review [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
How do the target concepts of pain science education combined with exercise contribute to the effect on pain intensity and disability in patients with chronic spinal pain? A systematic review and meta-analysis with moderator analysis [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
The optimal dose of pain neuroscience education added to an exercise programme for patients with chronic spinal pain: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis systematic review N/A Select
A systematic review of chronic pain management interventions among veterans of recent wars and armed conflicts [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Efficacy of laser acupuncture for treatment of chronic low back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis systematic review N/A Select
Clinical and research implications of a cochrane systematic review of acupuncture for chronic non-specific low back pain systematic review N/A Select
The effectiveness of low-dosed outpatient biopsychosocial interventions compared to active physical interventions on pain and disability in adults with nonspecific chronic low back pain: a systematic review with meta-analysis systematic review N/A Select
The effects of connective tissue massage and classical massage on pain, lumbar mobility, function, disability, and well-being in chronic low back pain: a three-arm randomized controlled trial [with consumer summary] clinical trial 8/10 Select
Psychological and neurological predictors of acupuncture effect in patients with chronic pain: a randomized controlled neuroimaging trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
Assessing muscle energy technique and foam roller self-myofascial release for low back pain management in two-wheeler riders clinical trial 7/10 Select
Self-care education on the pain, quality of life, and consequences of disease in patients with knee osteoarthritis clinical trial 7/10 Select
The effect of myofascial release of the physiological chains on the pain and health status in patients with fibromyalgia, compared to passive muscle stretching and a control group: a randomized controlled clinical trial [with consumer summary] clinical trial 7/10 Select
Pain neuroscience education and graded exposure versus Pilates and postural education: a pilot study in an occupational context clinical trial 6/10 Select
A single-session, 2-hour version of mindfulness-oriented recovery enhancement (one MORE) improves chronic pain patients' pain-related outcomes through 3-month follow-up in a randomized controlled trial clinical trial 6/10 Select
Improving function and quality of life in patients with chronic neck pain, tension-type headache, and forward head posture: the role of eyeball exercise and cervical stabilization programs clinical trial 6/10 Select
Health-related outcomes with supervised exercise and myofascial release versus only supervised exercise in subacromial pain syndrome: a randomized controlled single-blind study clinical trial 6/10 Select
The effect of hand-foot exercises on chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy-related pain, falls, and quality of life in colorectal cancer: a randomized controlled trial [with consumer summary] clinical trial 5/10 Select
Influence of health education based on the transtheoretical model on kinesiophobia levels and rehabilitation outcomes in elderly patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty clinical trial 5/10 Select