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Vergleichende verlaufsuntersuchungen zur regenerationseffizienz postoperativer leistungsdefizite vom musculus quadriceps femoris (Comparative studies of the course to the regenerative efficiency of postoperative deficits of performance on the musculus quadriceps femoris) [German] clinical trial 4/10 Select
The effect of pressure gradient and thermolactyl control gloves in arthritic patients with swollen hands clinical trial 4/10 Select
Hemiplegic shoulder pain: a study of two methods of physiotherapy treatment clinical trial 4/10 Select
Axillary lymphadenectomy. A prospective, randomized trial of 13 factors influencing drainage, including early or delayed arm mobilization clinical trial 4/10 Select
Adding purpose to the repetitive exercise of elderly women through imagery clinical trial 4/10 Select
Fresnel prisms improve visual perception in stroke patients with homonymous hemianopia or unilateral visual neglect clinical trial 4/10 Select
The result of treatment of the masticatory system of chronic headache patients clinical trial 4/10 Select
The efficacy of a prophylactic knee brace to reduce knee injuries in football. A prospective, randomized study at West Point clinical trial 4/10 Select
Effects of moderate and low intensity long-term exercise by older adults clinical trial 4/10 Select
Acute lobar atelectasis. A comparison of two chest physiotherapy regimens clinical trial 4/10 Select
Dead Sea bath salts for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis clinical trial 4/10 Select
Laserterapia IR versus placebo nel trattamento di alcune patologie a carico dell'apparato locomotore (Lasertherapy versus placebo in the treatment of some bone and joints pathology) [Italian] clinical trial 4/10 Select
Effects of prolonged muscle stretch on reflex and voluntary muscle activations in children with spastic cerebral palsy clinical trial 4/10 Select
Smoking prevention among people aged 60 and over: a randomized controlled trial clinical trial 4/10 Select
Ineficacia de la espirometria incentiva como coadyuvante de la fisioterapia convencional en la prevencion de las complicaciones respiratorias postoperatorias de la cirugia toracica y esofagica (Ineffectiveness of incentive spirometry as coadjuvant of conventional physiotherapy for the prevention of postoperative respiratory complications after thoracic and esophageal surgery) [Spanish] clinical trial 4/10 Select
The effect of massage on pain in cancer patients clinical trial 4/10 Select
Evaluation of the efficacy and cost effectiveness of health education methods to increase medication adherence among adults with asthma clinical trial 4/10 Select
Effect of an exercise program on the perception of exertion in males at retirement clinical trial 4/10 Select
Ein innovatives konzept zur primarfunktionellen behandlung der Achillessehnenruptur (An innovative concept for primary functional treatment of Achilles tendon rupture) [German] clinical trial 4/10 Select
Effectiveness of intermittent pneumatic leg compression for preventing deep vein thrombosis after total hip replacement clinical trial 4/10 Select
The effects of bolus normal saline instillation in conjunction with endotracheal suctioning clinical trial 4/10 Select
Cost effectiveness of training incontinent elderly in nursing homes: a randomized clinical trial clinical trial 4/10 Select
A comparison of two fitness programs to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease in public safety officers clinical trial 4/10 Select
The effect of weight loss by dieting or exercise on resting metabolic rate in overweight men clinical trial 4/10 Select
The effects of moderate exercise training on natural killer cells and acute upper respiratory tract infections clinical trial 4/10 Select