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Found 62,314 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
Mechanisms of oxygen effects on exercise in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease clinical trial 4/10 Select
The National Exercise and Heart Disease Project: long-term psychosocial outcome clinical trial 4/10 Select
Selvadministreret positivt sluteksspiratorisk tryk (PEEP) pa maske som alternativ til konventionel lungefysioterapi (Self-administered positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) using a face mask as an alternative to conventional lung) [Danish] clinical trial 4/10 Select
Comparison of group progressive-relaxation training and cognitive-behavioral group therapy for chronic low back pain clinical trial 4/10 Select
Treatment of Colles' fracture. A prospective comparison of three different positions of immobilization clinical trial 4/10 Select
Effects of parent training on teenage mothers and their infants clinical trial 4/10 Select
The influence of physical conditioning by yogaasanas and breathing exercises in patients of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease clinical trial 4/10 Select
Biofeedback als interventionsverfahren bei chronischen kopfschmerzen (Biofeedback as an intervention procedure for chronic headaches) [German] clinical trial 4/10 Select
Comparison of salbutamol given by intermittent positive-pressure breathing and pressure-packed aerosol in chronic asthma clinical trial 4/10 Select
Nursing intervention to change a malpositioned fetus clinical trial 4/10 Select
A comparison of dry-bed training and standard urine-alarm conditioning treatment of childhood bedwetting clinical trial 4/10 Select
Promoting maternal attachment through prenatal intervention clinical trial 4/10 Select
Effect of an exercise program on the static balance of deaf children clinical trial 4/10 Select
Akupunktur- und laserstrahlbehandlung bein zervikal- und lumbalsyndrom (Acupuncture and laser treatment in cervical and lumbar syndrome) [German] clinical trial 4/10 Select
The use of health and social services in the management of stroke in the community: results from a controlled trial clinical trial 4/10 Select
The effect of lateral positions on gas exchange in patients with unilateral lung disease during mechanical ventilation clinical trial 4/10 Select
Deep venous thrombosis after total hip arthroplasty: a prospective controlled study to determine the prophylactic effect of graded pressure stockings clinical trial 4/10 Select
Therapie mit O2 gegen IPPB im langzeitvergleich von patienten mit chronisch obstruktiven lungenkrankheiten (Oxygen therapy versus intermittent positive pressure respiration in the long-term treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) [German] clinical trial 4/10 Select
Clinical electromyographic feedback following meniscectomy. A multiple regression experimental analysis clinical trial 4/10 Select
Oxygen insufflation during endotracheal suctioning clinical trial 4/10 Select
Cardiorespiratoire functie bij jonge bronchitislijders, voor het merendeel mijnwerkers, voor en na kinesitherapie en inspanningstraining. Vergelijking met een controlegroep (preliminaire resultaten) (Cardiorespiratory function in young bronchitis patients, mostly mineworkers, before and after kinesitherapy and exertion training. Comparison with a control group (preliminary results)) [Dutch] clinical trial 4/10 Select
Fonction cardio-respiratoire de bronchitiques jeunes, pour la plupart mineurs de charbon, avant et apres kinesitherapie et entrainement a l'effort. Comparaison avec un groupe temoin (resultats preliminaires) [French] clinical trial 4/10 Select
The effect of a home visit on parental compliance with a home program clinical trial 4/10 Select
(Acupuncture therapy for obesity using ear needle treatment) [Japanese] clinical trial 4/10 Select
A random controlled trial of two forms of compression bandaging in outpatient sclerotherapy of varicose veins clinical trial 4/10 Select