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Found 62,314 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
(Scalp-acupuncture treatment of cerebral palsy in children: analysis of 104 cases) [Chinese - simplified characters] clinical trial 2/10 Select
Cardiovascular fitness, cortical plasticity, and aging clinical trial 2/10 Select
Early workplace intervention for employees with musculoskeletal-related absenteeism: a prospective controlled intervention study clinical trial 2/10 Select
Is pulsed shortwave diathermy better than ice therapy for the reduction of oedema following calcaneal fractures? Preliminary trial [with consumer summary] clinical trial 2/10 Select
(Physical rehabilitation in complex hospital therapy of patients with chronic low cardiac output) [Russian] clinical trial 2/10 Select
A prehabilitation program for physically frail community-living older persons clinical trial 2/10 Select
Optimal daily total end range time for contracture: resolution in hand splinting clinical trial 2/10 Select
Vestibular rehabilitation: useful but not universally so clinical trial 2/10 Select
Aerobic endurance exercise improves executive function in depressed patients clinical trial 2/10 Select
Predicting long-term maintenance of physical activity in older adults clinical trial 2/10 Select
Effect of upper extremity exercise on secondary lymphedema in breast cancer patients: a pilot study clinical trial 2/10 Select
Single-blind trial addressing the differential effects of two reflexology techniques versus rest, on ankle and foot oedema in late pregnancy clinical trial 2/10 Select
From supervised to unsupervised exercise: factors associated with exercise adherence clinical trial 2/10 Select
Does aerobic exercise modulate baroreflex sensitivity in patients with anxiety and somatization disorders? clinical trial 2/10 Select
Efeitos do treinamento fisico e muscular respiratorio em pacientes com doenca pulmonar obstrutiva cronica (DPOC) grave submetidos a biPAP [Portuguese] clinical trial 2/10 Select
Preliminary study on the efficacy of various rehabilitation therapies for shoulder pain clinical trial 2/10 Select
Assessing the longterm effect of educational reminder messages on primary care radiology referrals clinical trial 2/10 Select
Within-trial cost-effectiveness of lifestyle intervention or metformin for the primary prevention of type 2 diabetes clinical trial 2/10 Select
Effect of exercise on upper respiratory tract infection in sedentary subjects [with consumer summary] clinical trial 2/10 Select
Zastosowanie impulsowego pola magnetycznego niskiej czestotliwosci u pacjentow po artroskopowym usunieciu lakotki przysrodkowej (The application of a low-frequency impulse magnetic field in patients recovering from arthroscopic ablation of the medial meniscus) [Polish] clinical trial 2/10 Select
(Warm acupuncture for 72 cases of dysmenorrhea) [Chinese - simplified characters] clinical trial 2/10 Select
A prospective, randomized study of ventilator-associated pneumonia in patients using a closed versus open suction system clinical trial 2/10 Select
Two approaches to treating unilateral neglect after right hemisphere stroke: a preliminary investigation clinical trial 2/10 Select
Acupressure versus oxybutinin in the treatment of enuresis clinical trial 2/10 Select
(Early prevention of cerebral palsy from hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy by scalp acupuncture and acupoint injection) [Chinese - simplified characters] clinical trial 2/10 Select