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Found 62,314 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
The effect of aerobic exercise on patient reports of nausea clinical trial 2/10 Select
A comparison of postural drainage and positive expiratory pressure in the domiciliary management of patients with chronic bronchial sepsis clinical trial 2/10 Select
Relaxation therapy and compliance in the treatment of adolescent headache clinical trial 2/10 Select
Intervention with disadvantaged parents of sick preterm infants clinical trial 2/10 Select
Conditioned side effects induced by cancer chemotherapy: prevention through behavioural treatment clinical trial 2/10 Select
Effects of sitting position on uterine activity during labor clinical trial 2/10 Select
Electrotherapy of chronic musculoskeletal pain: comparison of electroacupuncture and acupuncture-like transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation clinical trial 2/10 Select
Reducing roentgenography use: can patient expectations be altered? clinical trial 2/10 Select
An individualized teaching programme following primary uncomplicated myocardial infarction clinical trial 2/10 Select
Infrarod laser -- effekt ved smertende knaeartrose? (Infrared laser -- effect in painful arthrosis of the knee?) [Danish] clinical trial 2/10 Select
Functional recovery after hip fracture clinical trial 2/10 Select
A prospective study of the treatment of severe tears of the lateral ligament of the ankle clinical trial 2/10 Select
Aerobic exercise in pregnancy clinical trial 2/10 Select
L'elettroginnastica muscolare a bassa frequenza: azione biologica sui parametri funzionali muscolari (Low-frequency muscular electrogymnastics; biologic action on parameters of muscle function) [Italian] clinical trial 2/10 Select
Do periodic hyperinflations improve gas exchange in patients with hypoxemic respiratory failure? clinical trial 2/10 Select
Comparison of the effect of passive exercise versus static wrapping on finger range of motion in the burned hand clinical trial 2/10 Select
A comparative study on the immediate effects of hand orthoses on reducation of hypertonus clinical trial 2/10 Select
De waarde van de "forced expiration technique" (FET) [Dutch] clinical trial 2/10 Select
Evaluation of a cardiac exercise programme. A pilot study clinical trial 2/10 Select
Promoting healthy eating and physical activity patterns among adolescents: a pilot study of "Slice of Life" clinical trial 2/10 Select
Effects of graduated compression stockings on blood lactate following an exhaustive bout of exercise clinical trial 2/10 Select
Zur beeinflussung der gestorten glukoseverwertung durch korpertraining mit niedriger intensitat (Modification of disordered glucose metabolism by physical training of low intensity) [German] clinical trial 2/10 Select
An acute care geriatric unit clinical trial 2/10 Select
The effect of music as a conditioning aid in prepared childbirth education clinical trial 2/10 Select
Comparison of two occlusive bandages in the treatment of venous leg ulcers clinical trial 2/10 Select