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Found 62,314 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
Postoperative venous thrombosis. Evaluation of five methods of treatment clinical trial 0/10 Select
Controlled trial of physiotherapy and occupational therapy for Parkinson's disease clinical trial 0/10 Select
Taping treatment of severe inversion sprains of the ankle. Early return to functional activities clinical trial 0/10 Select
(Quantity of stimulation in the treatment of lumbago (acupuncture treatment for lumbago)) [Japanese] clinical trial 0/10 Select
Heat or cold for the relief of low back pain? clinical trial 0/10 Select
The value of lung physiotherapy in the treatment of acute exacerbations in chronic bronchitis clinical trial 0/10 Select
Etudes sur l'epaule douloureuse (periarthrite scapulo-humerale). V -- une etude therapeutique medicale systematique (Studies of the painful shoulder (humeroscapular periarthritis) versus a systematic therapeutic investigation) [French] clinical trial 0/10 Select
A digital exercise and augmented reality training system improved mobility among stroke patients: a randomized control trial clinical trial currently being rated Select
Effects of a lower limb walking exoskeleton on quality of life and activities of daily living in patients with complete spinal cord injury: a randomized controlled trial clinical trial currently being rated Select
(Intervention of muscle strength training combined with neuromuscular electrical stimulation on lower limb function and biomechanical changes in patients with patellofemoral pain) [Chinese - simplified characters] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Effects of a hybrid teaching program on lower limb muscle strength, knee function, and depression in older adults after total knee replacement: a randomized controlled trial clinical trial currently being rated Select
Effects of prehabilitation resistance training in mild to moderate clinically frail patients awaiting coronary artery bypass graft surgery clinical trial currently being rated Select
(Effects of non-face-to-face gait and muscle strength training for urinary incontinence in community-dwelling middle-aged and older women: a randomized controlled trial) [Japanese] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Perturbation-based balance training in adults aged above 55 years with chronic low back pain: a comparison of effects of water versus land medium -- a preliminary randomized trial clinical trial currently being rated Select
(Effect of nutrition intervention combisned with anti-resistance exercise on patients with secondary sarcopenia caused by stroke) [Chinese - simplified characters] clinical trial currently being rated Select
(Effect of the staging comprehensive treatment with acupuncture-moxibustion on Bell's facial palsy in the acute stage) [Chinese - simplified characters] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Core stabilisation exercises reduce chronic low back pain in Air Force fighter pilots: a randomised controlled trial clinical trial currently being rated Select
Telefonisches Gesundheitscoaching und telemetrisch unterstutztes Training (TeGeCoach) bei peripherer arterieller verschlusskrankheit (Telephone health coaching and remote exercise monitoring (TeGeCoach) in peripheral arterial occlusive disease -- a randomized controlled trial) [German] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Effect of a customized physical activity promotion program on visceral fat and glycemic parameters in individuals with prediabetes: a randomized controlled trial clinical trial currently being rated Select
Tai Chi improves non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease: one-year randomized controlled study with the investigation of mechanisms [with consumer summary] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Feasibility, clinical efficacy, and maternal outcomes of a remote exercise program in pregnant women with obesity: the GROB randomized control pilot study clinical trial currently being rated Select
Effects of constant-load exercise and high-intensity interval training on reliever medication consumption and peak expiratory flow in individuals with asthma: a randomised controlled trial clinical trial currently being rated Select
Comparison the efficacy of dry needling and ischemic compression methods in miyofascial pain syndrome: a randomized trial clinical trial currently being rated Select
A digital intervention to promote self-management self-efficacy among community-dwelling individuals with stroke: pilot randomized controlled trial clinical trial currently being rated Select
Effects of an early exercise program with cryotherapy on range of motion, pain, swelling, and gait in patients with total knee arthroplasty: a randomized controlled trial clinical trial currently being rated Select