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Found 62,904 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
Kan rad om fysisk aktivitet redusere sykefravaeret for pasienter med ryggplager? (Does light mobilization treatment reduce long-term sick leave for low back pain?) [Norwegian] clinical trial currently being rated Select
(The influence of an adapted exercise program on the development of the gross motor function and performance in adolescents with spastic hemiplegia) [Greek] clinical trial currently being rated Select
(Effects of massage on delivery satisfaction in primiparous women referring to Ayatollah Shaheed Beheshti Hospital in Isfahan) [Persian] clinical trial currently being rated Select
(The effect of breathing exercises on fatigue level of COPD patients) [Persian] clinical trial currently being rated Select
(The role of nerve and tendon gliding exercises in the conservative treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome) [Persian] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Terapijski ultrazvuk u lijecenju bolesnika s kronicnom krizoboljom (Therapeutic ultrasound in chronic low back pain treatment) [Croatian] clinical trial currently being rated Select
(The effect of meditation and relaxation techniques on pain during the active phase of labor in nulliparous women) [Persian] clinical trial currently being rated Select
(The interaction effect of glibenclamide and aerobic training on c-peptide, insulin and insulin resistance in type 2 diabetic patients) [Persian] clinical trial currently being rated Select
(Effect of physical training on postural control of elderly) [Hebrew] clinical trial currently being rated Select
A magyar gerincgyogyaszati tarsasag primer prevencios programja -- II resz. A tartasjavito mozgasanyag kontrollcsoportos prospektiv vizsgalata (Primary prevention program of the Hungarian Spine Society -- part II. Controlled prospective study of short term efficacy) [Hungarian] clinical trial currently being rated Select
(Study of effect of acupressure methods in pain in primary dysmenorrhea) [Persian] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Physical versus combined physical and pharmacological prophylaxis against deep vein thrombosis in patients undergoing major surgery clinical trial currently being rated Select
Diferencovane manualni osetreni regionu ruky a predlokti jako soucast casne faze rehabilitace patientu po cevni mozkove prihode (kontrolovana studie) (Differentiated manual treatment of the hand and forearm in early rehabilitation of stroke patients (a controlled study)) [Slovak] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Karpal tunnel sendromunda gabapentin tedavisinin etkinligi: karsilastirmali klinik calisma (Effect of gabapentin in carpal tunnel syndrome: a controlled clinical trial) [Turkish] clinical trial currently being rated Select
(The effect of physical therapy on pain and activity of daily life in patients with low back pain) [Turkish] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Effect on active exercise programs in employees with chronic low back pain clinical trial currently being rated Select
Taktil massage vid stroke och livskvalitet (Tactile massage after a stroke and improved quality of life) [Norwegian] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Namuose ir ambulatoriskai atliekamu fiziniu pratimu efektyvumas sergant reumatoidiniu artritu (The efficiency of home and outpatient exercise program in patients with rheumatoid arthritis) [Lithuanian] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Kaularangan ja hartialihasten harjoittelu kroonisen niskakivun hoitona (Exercise of neck and shoulder muscles as a relief for the chronic neck pain) [Finnish] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Miesto kinezioterapie v liecbe osteoporozy (The place of kinesiotherapy in the management of osteoporosis) [Czech] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Efectele antrenamentului fizic la hipertensivii cu tulburari de glicoreglare (The effects of the physical training on the hypertensive patients with glycoregulation disorder) [Romanian] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Fyysinen harjoittelu edullista ja tehokasta kaatumisten ja kaatumisvammojen ehkaisyssa (Physical exercise is an advantageous and effective way to prevent falls and injuries due to falls) [Finnish] clinical trial currently being rated Select
(Assessment and comparison of the effectiveness of Epley and Semont maneuvers in treatment of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)) [Persian] clinical trial currently being rated Select
K fyzikalnej terapii pri diagnoze epicondylopathia humeri (Results of a controlled trial to physical therapy of the epicondylopathia humeri) [Slovak] clinical trial currently being rated Select
(The efficacy of intermittent pneumatic compression in the treatment of venous leg ulcers) [Macedonian] clinical trial currently being rated Select