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Found 62,314 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
Chiropractic clinical practice guideline: evidence-based treatment of adult neck pain not due to whiplash practice guideline N/A Select
Ottawa Panel evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for therapeutic exercises and manual therapy in the management of osteoarthritis practice guideline N/A Select
Prise en charge des patients adultes atteints d'hypertension arterielle essentielle: recommandations pour la practique clinique -- juillet 2005 (Management of adults with essential hypertension) [French] practice guideline N/A Select
Italian guidelines on rehabilitation treatment of adolescents with scoliosis or other spinal deformities practice guideline N/A Select
EFNS guideline on treatment of multiple sclerosis relapses: report of an EFNS task force on treatment of multiple sclerosis relapses practice guideline N/A Select
Best practice evidence based guideline -- nocturnal enuresis "bedwetting" practice guideline N/A Select
Diagnosis and management of soft tissue shoulder injuries and related disorders practice guideline N/A Select
New Zealand acute low back pain guide, incorporating the guide to assessing psychosocial yellow flags in acute low back pain, October 2004 edition practice guideline N/A Select
Ottawa Panel evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for therapeutic exercises in the management of rheumatoid arthritis in adults practice guideline N/A Select
Ottawa Panel evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for electrotherapy and thermotherapy interventions in the management of rheumatoid arthritis in adults practice guideline N/A Select
Leitlinie der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Pneumologie zur diagnostik und therapie von patienten mit akutem und chronischem husten (Guideline of the German Respiratory Society for diagnosis and treatment of patients suffering from acute or chronic cough) [German] practice guideline N/A Select
European guidelines for the management of acute nonspecific low back pain in primary care [with consumer summary] practice guideline N/A Select
Reeducation dans le cadre du post-partum (Physiotherapy for the post-partum period (December 2002)) [French] practice guideline N/A Select
The diagnosis and management of soft tissue knee injuries: internal derangements practice guideline N/A Select
Prevention of hip fracture amongst people aged 65 years and over practice guideline N/A Select
Acute management and immediate rehabilitation after hip fracture amongst people aged 65 years and over practice guideline N/A Select
Assessment processes for older people practice guideline N/A Select
Masso-kinesitherapie dans les cervicalgies communes et dans le cadre du "coup du lapin" ou whiplash: argumentaire (Physiotherapy in common neck pain and whiplash) [French] practice guideline N/A Select
Evidence-based guidelines for the secondary prevention of falls in older adults practice guideline N/A Select
Guidelines for the management of the acute painful crisis in sickle cell disease [with consumer summary] practice guideline N/A Select
Postoperative pain guidelines practice guideline N/A Select
ATS/ACCP statement on cardiopulmonary exercise testing practice guideline N/A Select
The use of back belts for prevention of occupational low-back pain: systematic review and recommendations. Technical Report practice guideline N/A Select
Management of the post stroke arm and hand: treatment recommendations of the 2001 consensus panel [with consumer summary] practice guideline N/A Select
2002 clinical practice guidelines for the diagnosis and management of osteoporosis in Canada practice guideline N/A Select