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Found 62,314 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
Support surfaces for treating pressure ulcers (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Relaxation techniques for pain management in labour (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Massage, reflexology and other manual methods for pain management in labour (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Mirror therapy for improving motor function after stroke (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Ergonomic interventions for preventing work-related musculoskeletal disorders of the upper limb and neck among office workers (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Interventions for promoting habitual exercise in people living with and beyond cancer (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Physical activity, diet and other behavioural interventions for improving cognition and school achievement in children and adolescents with obesity or overweight (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Interventions for improving modifiable risk factor control in the secondary prevention of stroke (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Workplace interventions for reducing sitting at work (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Standard (head-down tilt) versus modified (without head-down tilt) postural drainage in infants and young children with cystic fibrosis (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Comprehensive geriatric assessment for older people admitted to a surgical service (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Non-pharmacological interventions for treating chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Treatment of fatigue in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/motor neuron disease (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Physical activity for women with breast cancer after adjuvant therapy (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Self-management for bronchiectasis (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Interventions for weight reduction in obesity to improve survival in women with endometrial cancer (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation for adults with stable angina (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Early intervention (mobilization or active exercise) for critically ill adults in the intensive care unit (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Exercise interventions and patient beliefs for people with hip, knee or hip and knee osteoarthritis: a mixed methods review (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Neuromuscular electrostimulation for adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy for the healing and management of venous leg ulcers (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Multifactorial and multiple component interventions for preventing falls in older people living in the community (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Activity monitors for increasing physical activity in adult stroke survivors (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Exercise for rheumatoid arthritis of the hand (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Acupuncture and acupressure for premenstrual syndrome (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select