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Found 62,314 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
Acupuncture for stress urinary incontinence in adults (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Acupuncture for menopausal hot flushes (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Protocolized versus non-protocolized weaning for reducing the duration of invasive mechanical ventilation in critically ill paediatric patients (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Respiratory muscle training for cervical spinal cord injury (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Nonoperative treatment for lumbar spinal stenosis with neurogenic claudication (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Non-pharmacological interventions for fatigue in rheumatoid arthritis (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Cognitive behavioural therapies for fibromyalgia (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Remote and web 2.0 interventions for promoting physical activity (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Face-to-face interventions for promoting physical activity (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Face-to-face versus remote and web 2.0 interventions for promoting physical activity (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Narrow-band ultraviolet B phototherapy versus broad-band ultraviolet B or psoralen-ultraviolet A photochemotherapy for psoriasis (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Lifestyle interventions for acute gout (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Smartphone and tablet self management apps for asthma (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Breathing exercises for dysfunctional breathing/hyperventilation syndrome in children (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Resistance exercise training for fibromyalgia (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Interventions for promoting physical activity in people with cystic fibrosis (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Rehabilitation following surgery for lumbar spinal stenosis (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Water-based exercise training for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Mechanical insufflation-exsufflation for people with neuromuscular disorders (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Passive movements for the treatment and prevention of contractures (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Conservative interventions for treating work-related complaints of the arm, neck or shoulder in adults (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Anticholinergic drugs versus non-drug active therapies for non-neurogenic overactive bladder syndrome in adults (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Treatment for spasticity in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/motor neuron disease (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Exercise for the management of cancer-related fatigue in adults (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Alexander technique for chronic asthma (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select