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Estudo comparativo entre um ou dois atendimentos fisioterapicos diarios em pacientes com fratura proximal de femur (Comparative study between one or two physiotherapeutic treatment daily in patients with close articulation thighbone fracture) [Portuguese]
Dohnert MC, Azevedo LA, Raffone AM, Muller JP, Goldim JR
Fisioterapia em Movimento [Physical Therapy in Movement] 1992 Apr-Sep;5(1):32-44
clinical trial
2/10 [Eligibility criteria: No; Random allocation: No; Concealed allocation: No; Baseline comparability: No; Blind subjects: No; Blind therapists: No; Blind assessors: No; Adequate follow-up: Yes; Intention-to-treat analysis: No; Between-group comparisons: Yes; Point estimates and variability: No. Note: Eligibility criteria item does not contribute to total score] *This score has been confirmed*

A comparative study between one or two physiotherapeutic treatment daily in patients with a very close articulation thighbone fracture. There were groups of 40 patients with a very close articulation thighbone fracture divided in 2 groups of 20 each. The first one with daily treatment and the other with every two days evaluation. At first we searched for the necessity of a physiotherapeutic treatment to be given in one or two physiotherapeutic sections daily. We also verified an increasing number of no good results on the first group, comparing to the second one. At the same time there was an improvement about the pain from the preoperation period till the time that the patients of the second group got out of the hospital. We also detected two improvement of the muscle power and a very fast improvement for the movements. So for these reasons we would say that 2 sections daily for sue will benefit the patients in a whole.

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