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(Comparison of the effect of taping and exercise therapy on functional disability and lumbar lordosis in the second trimester of pregnancy) [Persian]
Nourani S, Yousefabadi SR, Azhari A, Taghi Shakeri M
The Iranian Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility 2015 Aug;18(158):9-18
clinical trial
This trial has not yet been rated.

INTRODUCTION: Changes in the physical condition of pregnant women is one off the factors of lumbar lordosis in the spine and its related disabilities. Exercise is one of the methods to reduce it. Taping is of new therapies. This study was performed with aim to compare the effect of taping and exercise on functional disability and lumbar lordosis in the second trimester of pregnancy. METHODS: This randomized clinical trial was performed on 90 pregnant women with gestational age of 16 to 24 weeks referred to health centers of Mashhad to receive services in 2014. This study was conducted in three groups (exercises, taping and control) for six weeks. In exercise group, stretching and strengthening exercises were performed every other day, twice a day for 15 minutes, and in taping group, the tape was inserted on two strip muscles on either side of the spine parallel to the T12 to L5 and a tape on the lower back. The Oswestry functional disability questionnaire was used to assess the disability and flexible ruler was used to measure lumbar lordosis. Data analysis was performed by two-way analysis of variance with repeated measures, ANOVA and paired t-test. RESULTS: In exercises and taping groups, functional disability after six weeks was significantly decreased (p < 0.001), but the changes were not significant in the control group (p = 0.072). In exercise group, lordosis after six weeks was significantly reduced (p < 0.002), but these changes were not significant in taping (p = 0.776) and control (p = 0.586) groups. CONCLUSIONS: Exercise and taping as equal reduce the functional disability in pregnant women and the exercises can be used to reduce the lumbar lordosis.

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