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The impact of 12-week aerobic exercise on serum levels of cardiotrophin-1 in female patients with hypertension [Persian]
Abedzadeh S, Ghazalian F, Natanzi HA, Nikbakht H, Gholami M
Sadra Medical Sciences Journal 2022 May;10(3):203-214
clinical trial
This trial has not yet been rated.

INTRODUCTION: Cardiotrophin-1 (CT-1) is an interleukin-6-related cytokine with known hypertrophic and protective actions upon cardiac myocytes. The present study aimed to investigate the impact of 1-week aerobic exercise on serum levels of cardiotrophin-1 in female patients with hypertension. METHODS: in this study, 35 old women aged 50 to 70 were randomly divided into two groups (15 controls and 15 controls). The exercise program included aerobic exercises conducted increasingly 3 times a week for 12 weeks. Before the exercise, and 24 hours after the last session, blood samples and the body composition were taken. Data were collected and analyzed using one-way ANCOVA and Tukey post hoc test at a significant level of p < = 0.05 RESULTS: According to the results, twelve weeks of exercise did not significantly affect CT-1 level (p = 0.14). CONCLUSIONS: Overall, it seems that 12-week aerobic exercise has been beneficial in patients with hypertension and has been improving myocardial function; however, further studies are needed.

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