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Dose-response effect of a recreational team handball-based exercise programme on cardiometabolic health and physical fitness in inactive middle-aged-to-elderly males -- a randomised controlled trial [with consumer summary]
Carneiro I, Krustrup P, Castagna C, Mohr M, Magalhaes J, Pereira R, Santos R, Martins S, Guimaraes JT, Coelho E, Povoas S
European Journal of Sport Science 2023 Nov;23(11):2178-2190
clinical trial
This trial has not yet been rated.

This study aimed at examining the dose-response of a recreational team handball (TH) exercise-based programme on cardiometabolic health and physical fitness in inactive middle-aged-to-elderly males without TH experience. Fifty-four inactive middle-aged-to-elderly men (67.5 +/- 4.2 years; stature 168.8 +/- 6.2 cm; body mass 78.4 +/- 10.7 kg; fat mass 27.1 +/- 5.3%; BMI 27.4 +/- 2.9 kg/m2; VO2peak 27.3 +/- 4.8 mL/min/kg) were randomised into three intervention groups performing 1 (TH1, n = 13), 2 (TH2, n = 15), or 3 (TH3, n = 12) 60-min weekly recreational TH-based training sessions, for 16 weeks, and a control group (CG, n = 14). A time x group interaction was observed for VO2peak, aerobic performance, fasting plasma insulin and body and fat mass (p <= 0.043) with TH3 showing the greatest overall effects. Post-intervention differences were observed in aerobic performance (TH3 > CG, TH1 and TH2; TH2 > CG), body mass (TH3 > CG and TH1), fat mass (TH3 > CG), VO2peak (TH3 > CG) and plasma insulin (TH3 > CG) (p <= 0.040). In conclusion, recreational TH performed for 60-min thrice and twice per week results in improved aerobic performance for middle-aged-to-elderly men. Moreover, it was observed that three weekly sessions were more effective in providing overall cardiometabolic benefits compared to training with a lower weekly frequency.

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