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Motor-cognitive exercise with variability of practice and feedback improves functional ability and cognition in older individuals
Forte R, Trentin C, Tocci N, Lucia S, Aydin M, Di Russo F
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 2023 Nov;35(11):2797-2806
clinical trial
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BACKGROUND: Motor-cognitive dual-task training seems the most favorable form of exercise for functional and cognitive improvements in older individuals. The optimal exercise regime is still uncertain, and the potential benefits of qualitative parameters of exercise prescription such as feedback provision and practice variability are mostly unknown. AIMS: To verify the effects of a motor-cognitive dual-task training with feedback provision and variability of practice for improving functional ability and cognition in older individuals. METHODS: Thirty individuals (3 men) aged over 65 years were tested on walking speed, static and dynamic balance, lower limb strength, and cognition before and after a 5-week motor-cognitive intervention. Training consisted of twice weekly, 30 min gross-motor coordination exercises with variable practice conditions combined with stimulus-response cognitive tasks generated by an interactive device. Participants were divided into an experimental group and a control group, respectively receiving and nonreceiving feedback during training. A 2 x 2 ANOVA was used to verify the effects of training. RESULTS: Both groups improved static and dynamic balance (p < 0.05), walking speeds (p < 0.05), lower limb strength (p < 0.05) and cognitive functions with greater gains observed in the experimental group (p < 0.01). DISCUSSION: Variability of practice applied to motor-cognitive dual-task training is effective for improving, in only 5 weeks, functional ability and cognitive processing in older individuals. These changes were possibly afforded through motor and cognitive enhancement induced by exercise complexity. Provision of feedback seems to particularly benefit cognitive functions. CONCLUSIONS: Brief motor-cognitive dual-task training using practice variability and feedback seems effective for counteracting the age-related cognitive and functional decline.

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