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Found 9,208 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
Home safety assessment in the prevention of falls among older people clinical trial 2/10 Select
Can the control of bodily orientation be significantly improved in a group of older adults with a history of falls? clinical trial 2/10 Select
Balance training and exercise in geriatric patients clinical trial 2/10 Select
Impact d'un programme mulit-strategique de groue sur le fontionnement dans les activites de la vie domestique de personnes agees presentant des deficits cognitifs legers (Effect of a multi-strategic group program on performance of the activities of daily living for elderly people with mild cognitive deficits) [French] clinical trial 2/10 Select
How do stroke patients fare when discharged straight to their homes? A controlled study on the significance of hospital follow-up after one month clinical trial 2/10 Select
The effect of an educational intervention on decreasing pain intensity in elderly people with cancer clinical trial 2/10 Select
Hospital at home or acute hospital care? A cost minimisation analysis [with consumer summary] clinical trial 2/10 Select
Monitoring slips, trips and falls in the older community: preliminary results clinical trial 2/10 Select
The effects of regular exercise on muscle strength and functional abilities of late stage Alzheimer's residents clinical trial 2/10 Select
Stroke transition after inpatient rehabilitation clinical trial 2/10 Select
Economic analysis of respiratory rehabilitation clinical trial 2/10 Select
Self-management of heart disease by older adults clinical trial 2/10 Select
A longitudinal trial of weight training in the elderly: continued improvements in year 2 clinical trial 2/10 Select
Efeitos do exercicio aerobio com musica sobre os estados de animo de pessoas idosas (The effects of aerobic exercise with music upon moods states in the elderly) [Portuguese] clinical trial 2/10 Select
The cost-effectiveness of a multifactorial targeted prevention program for falls among community elderly persons clinical trial 2/10 Select
The effect of regular exercise on muscle strength and functional abilities of late stage Alzheimer's disease clinical trial 2/10 Select
The Sepulveda GEU Study revisited: long-term outcomes, use of services, and costs clinical trial 2/10 Select
Cost-effectiveness of low-air-loss beds for treatment of pressure ulcers clinical trial 2/10 Select
The continued success of conservative management for established urinary incontinence in older people [with consumer summary] clinical trial 2/10 Select
The effectiveness of intermittent plantar venous compression in prevention of deep venous thrombosis after total hip arthroplasty clinical trial 2/10 Select
Pretibial injuries in the elderly: a prospective trial of early mobilisation versus bed rest following surgical treatment clinical trial 2/10 Select
Seniors' program for injury control and education clinical trial 2/10 Select
The role of support surfaces and patient attributes in preventing pressure ulcers in elderly patients clinical trial 2/10 Select
Arthritis self-management studies: a twelve-year review clinical trial 2/10 Select
The effect of physiotherapy input on mobility skills of elderly people with severe dementing illness clinical trial 2/10 Select