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Found 2,829 records
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(Effect of adjustable wrist hand splint on upper limb spasticity in post stroke patients) [Persian] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Diferencovane manualni osetreni regionu ruky a predlokti jako soucast casne faze rehabilitace patientu po cevni mozkove prihode (kontrolovana studie) (Differentiated manual treatment of the hand and forearm in early rehabilitation of stroke patients (a controlled study)) [Slovak] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Taktil massage vid stroke och livskvalitet (Tactile massage after a stroke and improved quality of life) [Norwegian] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Akupunkturbehandling ved hjerneslag i subakutt fase (Acupuncture therapy in stroke during the subacute phase. A randomized controlled trial) [Norwegian] clinical trial currently being rated Select