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Found 1,087 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
Effect of physical activity on the life quality of coronary artery bypass graft patients clinical trial 3/10 Select
The influence of endurance training intensity on dynamics of post-exertional heart rate recovery adaptation in patients with ischemic heart disease clinical trial 3/10 Select
Patient mortality in the 12 years following enrolment into a pre-surgical cardiac rehabilitation programme [with consumer summary] clinical trial 3/10 Select
Usefulness of the 6-minute walk test and the 200-metre fast walk test to individualize high intensity interval and continuous exercise training in coronary artery disease patients after acute coronary syndrome: a pilot controlled clinical study [with consumer summary] clinical trial 3/10 Select
Zyklisches apparatives bewegungstraining versus konventionelles gangtraining in der rehabilitation des hemiparetischen ganges nach schlaganfall: eine pilotstudie (Cyclic movement training versus conventional physiotherapy for rehabilitation of hemiparetic gait after stroke: a pilot study) [German] clinical trial 3/10 Select
Trendelenburg chest optimization prolongs spontaneous breathing trials in ventilator-dependent patients with low cervical spinal cord injury clinical trial 3/10 Select
Effects of a phase III cardiac rehabilitation program on physical status and lipid profiles in elderly patients with coronary artery disease: Juntendo Cardiac Rehabilitation Program (J-CARP) clinical trial 3/10 Select
Use of an efficacy-enhancing message to influence the self-regulatory efficacy of cardiac rehabilitation participants: a field experiment clinical trial 3/10 Select
The effects of a collaborative peer advisor/advanced practice nurse intervention: cardiac rehabilitation participation and rehospitalization in older adults after a cardiac event clinical trial 3/10 Select
Early and late rehabilitation and physical training in elderly patients after cardiac surgery clinical trial 3/10 Select
Ocena niektorych fizjologicznych efektow zastosowania Nordic walking jako uzupelniajacego elementu cwiczen fizycznych w drugim etapie rehabilitacji po zawale serca (Assessment of the selected physiological effects of Nordic walking performed as a part of a physical exercise program during the second phase of rehabilitation after a myocardial infarction) [Polish] clinical trial 3/10 Select
Cognitive-behavioural rehabilitation programme for patients with an implanted cardioverter defibrillator: a pilot study clinical trial 3/10 Select
Timeline for peak improvements during 52 weeks of outpatient cardiac rehabilitation clinical trial 3/10 Select
Korzystne efekty kompleksowej rehabilitacji kardiologicznej u osob do 55 roku zycia, po zawale miesnia sercowego, leczonych za pomoca pierwotnej angioplastyki (The impact of comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation in patients up to 55 years old after acute myocardial infarction treated with primary coronary intervention) [Polish] clinical trial 3/10 Select
Comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation programme for implantable cardioverter-defibrillator patients: a randomised controlled trial clinical trial 3/10 Select
(Effects of physical therapy on cardiopulmonary function and motor function in patients with coronary heart disease following PTCA or intracoronary stent implantation) [Chinese - simplified characters] clinical trial 3/10 Select
Extensive lifestyle management intervention following cardiac rehabilitation: pilot study clinical trial 3/10 Select
Changes in cardiorespiratory fitness, psychological wellbeing, quality of life, and vocational status following a 12 month cardiac exercise rehabilitation programme clinical trial 3/10 Select
Goal attainment in a randomized controlled trial of rehabilitation after myocardial infarction clinical trial 3/10 Select
Effects of proportional assist ventilation on exercise tolerance in COPD patients with chronic hypercapnia clinical trial 3/10 Select
Voluntary decrease in breathing frequency in exercising asthmatic subjects clinical trial 3/10 Select
Long-term effects of a comprehensive rehabilitation programme after myocardial infarction clinical trial 3/10 Select
Effekte eines vierwochigen Ergometertrainings mit einer Intensitat von 30% versus 50% der maximalen Leistungsfahigkeit unter stationaren Bedingungen (Effects of 4-week ergometry training at an intensity of 30% versus 50% of maximum performance in an inpatient setting) [German] clinical trial 3/10 Select
Vermehrte teilnahme an ambulaten herzgruppen durch poststationare nachsorge (Increased participation in coronary groups by means of an outpatient care program) [German] clinical trial 3/10 Select
Stress management for patients with heart disease: a pilot study clinical trial 3/10 Select