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Found 1,087 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
Effects of a post-hospitalization group health education programme for patients with coronary heart disease clinical trial 3/10 Select
Alternatives for cardiac rehabilitation patients unable to return to a hospital-based program clinical trial 3/10 Select
Recovery after myocardial infarction. Effects of a caring rehabilitation programme clinical trial 3/10 Select
Effects of aerobic exercise training on symptomatic women with mitral valve prolapse clinical trial 3/10 Select
Endurance training in the elderly nursing home patient clinical trial 3/10 Select
Self-efficacy and in-patient cardiac rehabilitation clinical trial 3/10 Select
Improved survival for frail elderly inpatients on a geriatric evaluation unit (GEU): who benefits? clinical trial 3/10 Select
Predictability of beneficial effects in cardiac rehabilitation: a randomized clinical trial of psychosocial variables clinical trial 3/10 Select
Improving patient compliance in cardiac exercise rehabilitation: effects of written agreement and self-monitoring clinical trial 3/10 Select
Cardiac rehabilitation after acute myocardial infarction. 9-year controlled follow-up study clinical trial 3/10 Select
Effect of a virtual reality-enhanced exercise and education intervention on patient engagement and learning in cardiac rehabilitation: randomized controlled trial clinical trial 2/10 Select
Efficacy of compressive ischemic pressure release on pectoral's trigger points on RT side cardiac output following open heart surgery: randomized clinical trial clinical trial 2/10 Select
Acute hemodynamic effects of virtual reality-based therapy in patients of cardiovascular rehabilitation: a cluster randomized crossover trial clinical trial 2/10 Select
Effects of a simple cardiac rehabilitation program on improvement of self-reported physical activity in atrial fibrillation -- data from the RACE 3 study clinical trial 2/10 Select
Effects of exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation on heart rate variability and turbulence in patients with ST elevation myocardial infarction clinical trial 2/10 Select
An m-Health system for education and motivation in cardiac rehabilitation: the experience of HeartCycle guided exercise clinical trial 2/10 Select
End users want alternative intervention delivery models: usability and acceptability of the REMOTE-CR exercise-based cardiac telerehabilitation program clinical trial 2/10 Select
Response to endurance exercise training in older adults with heart failure with preserved or reduced ejection fraction clinical trial 2/10 Select
Is referral of postsurgical colorectal cancer survivors to cardiac rehabilitation feasible and acceptable? A pragmatic pilot randomised controlled trial with embedded qualitative study [with consumer summary] clinical trial 2/10 Select
Effect of concurrent training on telomere length in patients with myocardial infarction: randomised clinical trial of cardiac rehabilitation [with consumer summary] clinical trial 2/10 Select
Acceptability of a mobile health exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation intervention: a randomized trial clinical trial 2/10 Select
A comparison of the cost-effectiveness of two pedometer-based telephone coaching programs for people with cardiac disease clinical trial 2/10 Select
(Bicycle exercise in the free load regimen and hemodynamics in inpatients with ischemic heart disease) [Russian] clinical trial 2/10 Select
Comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation: a cost assessment based on a randomized clinical trial clinical trial 2/10 Select
(Physical rehabilitation in complex hospital therapy of patients with chronic low cardiac output) [Russian] clinical trial 2/10 Select