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Found 4,659 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
Influence of antenatal physical exercise on haemodynamics in pregnant women: a flexible randomisation approach clinical trial 5/10 Select
Effect of gait training with constrained-induced movement therapy (CIMT) on the balance of stroke patients clinical trial 5/10 Select
Effects of the combination of respiratory muscle training and abdominal drawing-in maneuver on respiratory muscle activity in patients with post-stroke hemiplegia: a pilot randomized controlled trial clinical trial 5/10 Select
A multicomponent behavioral intervention to reduce stroke risk factor behaviors: the stroke health and risk education cluster-randomized controlled trial clinical trial 5/10 Select
Do post-stroke patients benefit from robotic verticalization? A pilot-study focusing on a novel neurophysiological approach clinical trial 5/10 Select
Exercise in patients with subacute stroke: a randomized, controlled pilot study of home-based exercise in subacute stroke clinical trial 5/10 Select
Long-term follow-up to a randomized controlled trial comparing peroneal nerve functional electrical stimulation to an ankle foot orthosis for patients with chronic stroke clinical trial 5/10 Select
The effect of knee joint Mulligan taping on balance and gait in subacute stroke patients clinical trial 5/10 Select
(Clinical observation of post-stroke upper limb spasmodic hemiplegia treated with relaxing needling technique combined with wheat-grain moxibustion) [Chinese - simplified characters] clinical trial 5/10 Select
Comparison between treadmill training with rhythmic auditory stimulation and ground walking with rhythmic auditory stimulation on gait ability in chronic stroke patients: a pilot study clinical trial 5/10 Select
The effects of cognitive exercise therapy on chronic stroke patients' upper limb functions, activities of daily living and quality of life clinical trial 5/10 Select
The effect of non-elastic taping on balance and gait function in patients with stroke clinical trial 5/10 Select
(Effects of acupuncture intervention combined with rehabilitation on standing-balance-walking ability in stroke patients) [Chinese - simplified characters] clinical trial 5/10 Select
(Effects of different acupuncture depths of Lianquan (CV23) for dysphagia after stroke: a randomized controlled trial) [Chinese - simplified characters] clinical trial 5/10 Select
Mirror therapy enhances upper extremity motor recovery in stroke patients clinical trial 5/10 Select
(Life quality improvement of spastic hemiplegia of stroke treated with fire-needle: a randomized controlled trial) [Chinese - simplified characters] clinical trial 5/10 Select
The influence of physical therapy on oropharyngeal dysphagia in acute stroke patients clinical trial 5/10 Select
Impact of exercises administered to stroke patients with balance trainer on rehabilitation results: a randomized controlled study clinical trial 5/10 Select
(Analysis of optimal plan of multiple acupuncture manipulations for shoulder pain after stroke at different stages) [Chinese - simplified characters] clinical trial 5/10 Select
The effect of progressive task-oriented training on a supplementary tilt table on lower extremity muscle strength and gait recovery in patients with hemiplegic stroke [with consumer summary] clinical trial 5/10 Select
Effects of task-oriented treadmill-walking training on walking ability of stoke patients clinical trial 5/10 Select
The effect of body weight support treadmill training on gait recovery, proximal lower limb motor pattern, and balance in patients with subacute stroke clinical trial 5/10 Select
Effects of innovative WALKBOT robotic-assisted locomotor training on balance and gait recovery in hemiparetic stroke: a prospective, randomized, experimenter blinded case control study with a four-week follow-up clinical trial 5/10 Select
Ability in daily activities after early supported discharge models of stroke rehabilitation clinical trial 5/10 Select
Effects of balance control training on functional outcomes in subacute hemiparetic stroke patients clinical trial 5/10 Select