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Found 4,659 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
Modified constraint-induced movement therapy improved upper limb function in subacute poststroke patients: a small-scale clinical trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
Effects of a single session of whole body vibration on ankle plantarflexion spasticity and gait performance in patients with chronic stroke: a randomized controlled trial [with consumer summary] clinical trial 8/10 Select
Changes in diastolic function after exercise training in patients with and without diabetes mellitus after coronary artery bypass surgery. A randomized controlled trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
Electrical stimulation and splinting were not clearly more effective than splinting alone for contracture management after acquired brain injury: a randomised trial [with consumer summary] clinical trial 8/10 Select
Focal muscle vibration in the treatment of upper limb spasticity: a pilot randomized controlled trial in patients with chronic stroke clinical trial 8/10 Select
Efficacy of motor relearning approach on hand function in chronic stroke patients. A controlled randomized study clinical trial 8/10 Select
Effect of continuous positive airway pressure on the incidence of hypertension and cardiovascular events in nonsleepy patients with obstructive sleep apnea: a randomized controlled trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
(Clinical observation of a combination of multiple acupuncture technique for hemiplegia after stroke) [Chinese - simplified characters] clinical trial 8/10 Select
Motor recovery and cortical reorganization after mirror therapy in chronic stroke patients: a phase II randomized controlled trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
Very early mobilization after stroke fast-tracks return to walking: further results from the phase II AVERT randomized controlled trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
Comparison of an intermittent high-intensity versus continuous low-intensity physiotherapy service over 12 months in community-dwelling people with stroke: a randomized trial [with consumer summary] clinical trial 8/10 Select
Family-mediated exercise intervention (FAME): evaluation of a novel form of exercise delivery after stroke clinical trial 8/10 Select
Higher-intensity treadmill walking during rehabilitation after stroke in feasible and not detrimental to walking pattern or quality: a pilot randomized trial [with consumer summary] clinical trial 8/10 Select
Cycling induced by electrical stimulation improves motor recovery in postacute hemiparetic patients: a randomized controlled trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
A phase II multicentered, single-blind, randomized, controlled trial of the stroke self-management program clinical trial 8/10 Select
Comparison of physio ball and plinth trunk exercises regimens on trunk control and functional balance in patients with acute stroke: a pilot randomized controlled trial [with consumer summary] clinical trial 8/10 Select
Effects of treatment intensity in upper limb robot-assisted therapy for chronic stroke: a pilot randomized controlled trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
(Effect of acupuncture on dysphagia of convalescent stroke patients) [Chinese - simplified characters] clinical trial 8/10 Select
SENSe: Study of the Effectiveness of Neurorehabilitation on Sensation: a randomized controlled trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
Potential effectiveness of three different treatment approaches to improve minimal to moderate arm and hand function after stroke -- a pilot randomized clinical trial [with consumer summary] clinical trial 8/10 Select
Task-oriented circuit class training program with motor imagery for gait rehabilitation in poststroke patients: a randomized controlled trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
Assessment of a virtual teacher feedback for the recovery of the upper limb after stroke clinical trial 8/10 Select
Efectos de la toxina botulinica tipo A y electroestimulacion en la espasticidad flexora distal de la extremidad superior en el ictus. Ensayo clinico aleatorizado (Effects of botulinum toxin type A and electrostimulation on distal flexor spasticity of the upper limb in stroke. Randomized clinical trial) [Spanish] clinical trial 8/10 Select
(The videofluoroscopic study on electroacupuncture in combination with rehabilitation in treatment of postapoplectic swallowing dysfunction) [Chinese - simplified characters] clinical trial 8/10 Select
Randomized trial of treadmill walking with body weight support to establish walking in subacute stroke: the MOBILISE trial clinical trial 8/10 Select