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Found 4,659 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
Evaluating the efficacy of acupuncture in defined aspects of stroke recovery: a randomised, placebo controlled single blind study clinical trial 8/10 Select
Comparison of effect of aerobic cycle training and progressive resistance training on walking ability after stroke: a randomized sham exercise-controlled study clinical trial 8/10 Select
No difference between wearing a night splint and standing on a tilt table in preventing ankle contracture early after stroke: a randomised trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
Pilot randomized controlled trial to assess the impact of additional supported standing practice on functional ability post stroke [with consumer summary] clinical trial 8/10 Select
Randomised trial of a computer-generated tailored written education package for patients following stroke [with consumer summary] clinical trial 8/10 Select
Four weeks of daily stretch has little or no effect on wrist contracture after stroke: a randomised controlled trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
Additional therapeutic effects of electroacupuncture in conjunction with conventional rehabilitation for patients with first-ever ischaemic stroke clinical trial 8/10 Select
Stroke patients and long-term training: is it worthwhile: a randomized comparison of two different training strategies after rehabilitation [with consumer summary] clinical trial 8/10 Select
Effects of splinting on wrist contracture after stroke: a randomized controlled trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
Influence of combined afferent stimulation and task-specific training following stroke: a pilot randomized controlled trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
Repetitive locomotor training and physiotherapy improve walking and basic activities of daily living after stroke: a single-blind, randomized multicentre trial (DEutsche GAngtrainerStudie, DEGAS) [with consumer summary] clinical trial 8/10 Select
Randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effect of surface neuromuscular electrical stimulation to the shoulder after acute stroke clinical trial 8/10 Select
Twelve weeks of nightly stretch does not reduce thumb web-space contractures in people with a neurological condition: a randomised controlled trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
The effect of a task-oriented intervention on arm function in people with stroke: a randomized controlled trial [with consumer summary] clinical trial 8/10 Select
Cluster randomized pilot controlled trial of an occupational therapy intervention for residents with stroke in UK care homes clinical trial 8/10 Select
Long-term effects of 6-week whole-body vibration on balance recovery and activities of daily living in the postacute phase of stroke: a randomized, controlled trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
Lokomotionstherapie des akuten schlaganfallpatienten: ergebnisse der multizentrischen deutschen gangtrainer studie (DEGAS) (Locomotor training in subacute stroke patients: results of a multicenter study (DEGAS)) [German] clinical trial 8/10 Select
Sleep-disordered breathing after stroke: a randomised controlled trial of continuous positive airway pressure clinical trial 8/10 Select
Thirty minutes of positioning reduces the development of shoulder external rotation contracture after stroke: a randomized controlled trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
A randomized trial evaluation of the Oswestry Standing Frame for patients after stroke [with consumer summary] clinical trial 8/10 Select
A study to assess the effect of nursing interventions at the weekend for people with stroke [with consumer summary] clinical trial 8/10 Select
Early assessment by a mobile stroke team: a randomised controlled trial [with consumer summary] clinical trial 8/10 Select
The impact of stroke nurse specialist input on risk factor modification: a randomised controlled trial [with consumer summary] clinical trial 8/10 Select
Aerobes laufbandtraining plus physiotherapie verbessert das gehen von massig schwer betroffenen patienten nach schlaganfall (Aerobic treadmill training plus physiotherapy improves walking speed and capacity in subacute, moderately affected patients after stroke) [German] clinical trial 8/10 Select
A community-based fitness and mobility exercise program for older adults with chronic stroke: a randomized, controlled trial clinical trial 8/10 Select