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Found 4,659 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
Intramuscular electrical stimulation for shoulder pain in hemiplegia: does time from stroke onset predict treatment success? clinical trial 7/10 Select
Sitting training early after stroke improves sitting ability and quality and carries over to standing up but not walking: a randomised controlled trial clinical trial 7/10 Select
Effects of locomotion training with assistance of a robot-driven gait orthosis in hemiparetic patients after stroke: a randomized controlled pilot study clinical trial 7/10 Select
A randomized controlled trial of an implantable 2-channel peroneal nerve stimulator on walking speed and activity in poststroke hemiplegia clinical trial 7/10 Select
Stroke: a randomized trial of exercise or relaxation clinical trial 7/10 Select
Effects of amphetamine and/or l-dopa and physiotherapy after stroke -- a blinded randomized study clinical trial 7/10 Select
Effects of task-specific locomotor and strength training in adults who were ambulatory after stroke: results of the STEPS randomized clinical trial clinical trial 7/10 Select
Mirror therapy enhances lower-extremity motor recovery and motor functioning after stroke: a randomized controlled trial clinical trial 7/10 Select
Rhythmic auditory stimulation improves gait more than NDT/Bobath training in near-ambulatory patients early poststroke: a single-blind, randomized trial clinical trial 7/10 Select
Effects of modified constraint-induced movement therapy on movement kinematics and daily function in patients with stroke: a kinematic study of motor control mechanisms clinical trial 7/10 Select
Dual-task exercise improves walking ability in chronic stroke: a randomized controlled trial clinical trial 7/10 Select
Effect of sensory-amplitude electric stimulation on motor recovery and gait kinematics after stroke: a randomized controlled study clinical trial 7/10 Select
Spiegeltherapie in der neurologischen rehabilitation: effektivitat in bezug auf die arm- und handfunktionen bei chronischen schlaganfallpatienten (Mirror therapy in the rehabilitation after stroke: effectiveness on upper limb functioning in chronic stroke patients) [German] clinical trial 7/10 Select
Effect of a home leisure education program after stroke: a randomized controlled trial clinical trial 7/10 Select
Education in stroke prevention: efficacy of an educational counselling intervention to increase knowledge in stroke survivors clinical trial 7/10 Select
Does an extended stroke unit service with early supported discharge have any effect on balance or walking speed? clinical trial 7/10 Select
Does a short period of rehabilitation in the home setting facilitate functioning after stroke: a randomized controlled trial [with consumer summary] clinical trial 7/10 Select
A randomized controlled trial of functional neuromuscular stimulation in chronic stroke subjects clinical trial 7/10 Select
Contracture preventive positioning of the hemiplegic arm in subacute stroke patients: a pilot randomized controlled trial [with consumer summary] clinical trial 7/10 Select
Physiotherapy coupled with dextroamphetamine for rehabilitation after hemiparetic stroke: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial clinical trial 7/10 Select
Does access to bed-chair pressure sensors reduce physical restraint use in the rehabilitative care setting? clinical trial 7/10 Select
Task-specific training with trunk restraint on arm recovery in stroke: randomized control trial clinical trial 7/10 Select
A randomized controlled trial of supervised versus unsupervised exercise programs for ambulatory stroke survivors clinical trial 7/10 Select
A community-based upper-extremity group exercise program improves motor function and performance of functional activities in chronic stroke: a randomized controlled trial clinical trial 7/10 Select
Can electroacupuncture or transcutaneous nerve stimulation influence cognitive and emotional outcome after stroke? clinical trial 7/10 Select