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Found 4,659 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
A randomized trial to evaluate an education programme for patients and carers after stroke [with consumer summary] clinical trial 7/10 Select
(Effect of early exercise therapy on the recovery of motor function in patients with cerebral infarction and the changes of somatosensory evoked potential) [Chinese - simplified characters] clinical trial 7/10 Select
A treadmill and overground walking program improves walking in persons residing in the community after stroke: a placebo-controlled, randomized trial clinical trial 7/10 Select
A randomized trial on the efficacy of intensive rehabilitation in the acute phase of ischemic stroke clinical trial 7/10 Select
Stroke unit care combined with early supported discharge: long-term follow-up of a randomized controlled trial clinical trial 7/10 Select
Intensive early physiotherapy combined with dexamphetamine treatment in severe stroke: a randomized, controlled pilot study clinical trial 7/10 Select
Admitting acute ischemic stroke patients to a stroke care monitoring unit versus a conventional stroke unit: a randomized pilot study clinical trial 7/10 Select
Exercise plus behavioral management in patients with Alzheimer disease: a randomized controlled trial clinical trial 7/10 Select
Randomized controlled study of stroke unit care versus stroke team care in different stroke subtypes clinical trial 7/10 Select
Treadmill training with partial body weight support and physiotherapy in stroke patients: a preliminary comparison clinical trial 7/10 Select
Treadmill training with partial body weight support and an electromechanical gait trainer for restoration of gait in subacute stroke patients: a randomized crossover study clinical trial 7/10 Select
The COSTAR wheelchair study: a two-centre pilot study of self-propulsion in a wheelchair in early stroke rehabilitation [with consumer summary] clinical trial 7/10 Select
Effects of isokinetic strength training on walking in persons with stroke: a double-blind controlled pilot study clinical trial 7/10 Select
Fysioterapi etter hjerneslag -- en randomisert kontrollert studie (Physiotherapy after stroke -- a randomized controlled trial) [Norwegian] clinical trial 7/10 Select
Walking training of patients with hemiparesis at an early stage after stroke: a comparison of walking training on a treadmill with body weight support and walking training on the ground [with consumer summary] clinical trial 7/10 Select
A multicentre randomized controlled trial of leisure therapy and conventional occupational therapy after stroke [with consumer summary] clinical trial 7/10 Select
An exploration of the effects of weighted garments on balance and gait of stroke patients with residual disability [with consumer summary] clinical trial 7/10 Select
Stroke rehabilitation after hospital discharge: a randomized trial comparing domiciliary and day-hospital care [with consumer summary] clinical trial 7/10 Select
Effect of levodopa in combination with physiotherapy on functional motor recovery after stroke: a prospective, randomised, double-blind study clinical trial 7/10 Select
Examination of shoulder positioning after stroke: a randomised controlled pilot trial clinical trial 7/10 Select
A comparison of two approaches in the treatment of perceptual problems after stroke [with consumer summary] clinical trial 7/10 Select
A randomized controlled trial of strapping to prevent post-stroke shoulder pain [with consumer summary] clinical trial 7/10 Select
Is dosage of physiotherapy a critical factor in deciding patterns of recovery from stroke: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial clinical trial 7/10 Select
The effectiveness of community-based rehabilitation for stroke patients who remain at home: a pilot randomized trial [with consumer summary] clinical trial 7/10 Select
Intensity of leg and arm training after primary middle-cerebral-artery stroke: a randomised trial clinical trial 7/10 Select