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Found 841 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
Combined exercise training reduces IFN-gamma and IL-17 levels in the plasma and the supernatant of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in women with multiple sclerosis clinical trial 3/10 Select
Effects of self-hypnosis training and cognitive restructuring on daily pain intensity and catastrophizing in individuals with multiple sclerosis and chronic pain clinical trial 3/10 Select
Comparing individualized rehabilitation to a group wellness intervention for persons with multiple sclerosis clinical trial 3/10 Select
Cooling via one hand improves physical performance in heat-sensitive individuals with multiple sclerosis: a preliminary study clinical trial 3/10 Select
Avaliacao da fisioterapia sobre o equilibrio e a qualidade de vida em pacientes com esclerose multipla (Evaluation of the physical therapy on the balance and on the quality of life in multiple sclerosis patients) [Portuguese] clinical trial 3/10 Select
The efficacy of multidisciplinary rehabilitation in stable multiple sclerosis patients clinical trial 3/10 Select
Stress self-management: an intervention for women with physical disabilities clinical trial 3/10 Select
Effects of a short-term exercise training program on aerobic fitness, fatigue, health perception and activity level of subjects with multiple sclerosis clinical trial 3/10 Select
Mindfulness of movement as a coping strategy in multiple sclerosis. A pilot study clinical trial 3/10 Select
Cold effect on oxygen uptake, perceived exertion, and spasticity in patients with multiple sclerosis clinical trial 3/10 Select
Biofeedback treatment of bladder dysfunction in multiple sclerosis. A randomized trial clinical trial 3/10 Select
Evaluation of treatment protocols on minimal to moderate spasticity in multiple sclerosis clinical trial 3/10 Select
Brain activity changes following neuroproprioceptive "facilitation, inhibition" physiotherapy in multiple sclerosis: a parallel group randomized comparison of two approaches [with consumer summary] clinical trial 2/10 Select
The effect of yoga training on enhancement of Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and cortisol levels in female patients with multiple sclerosis [with consumer summary] clinical trial 2/10 Select
The effects of massage and aqua training on Interleukin-6 levels of multiple sclerosis patients clinical trial 2/10 Select
Effectiveness of group versus individual yoga exercises on fatigue of patients with multiple sclerosis clinical trial 2/10 Select
Wplyw terapii energotonowej na stan funkcjonalny chorych na stwardnienie rozsiane (The influence of high-tone power therapy on the functional status of patients with multiple sclerosis) [Polish] clinical trial 2/10 Select
Effects of selected combined training on muscle strength in multiple sclerosis patients clinical trial 2/10 Select
Efectos del entrenamiento en bicicleta con retroalimentacion visual sobre la marcha en pacientes con esclerosis multiple (Effect of visual biofeedback cycling training on gait in patients with multiple sclerosis) [Spanish] clinical trial 1/10 Select
Do proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation techniques improve respiratory parameters and swallowing in people with multiple sclerosis: a randomized-controlled study [with consumer summary] clinical trial currently being rated Select