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Found 62,314 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
Effects of aquatic resistance training on health and fitness in postmenopausal women clinical trial 4/10 Select
Desensitization to dyspnea in COPD with specificity for exercise training mode clinical trial 4/10 Select
A trial of empowerment-based education in type 2 diabetes -- global rather than glycaemic benefits clinical trial 4/10 Select
Influence of exercise at lower and higher intensity on blood pressure and cardiovascular risk factors at older age clinical trial 4/10 Select
Sustaining self-regulatory efficacy and psychological outcome expectations for postnatal exercise: effects of a group-mediated cognitive behavioural intervention clinical trial 4/10 Select
Stretching exercise program improves gait in the elderly clinical trial 4/10 Select
Dose-response relationship between moderate-intensity exercise duration and coronary heart disease risk factors in postmenopausal women clinical trial 4/10 Select
Aerobic and strength training reduces adiposity in overweight Latina adolescents clinical trial 4/10 Select
Effectiveness of a school-based intervention on physical activity for high school students in Brazil: The Saude na Boa project clinical trial 4/10 Select
Laboratory gait analysis in patients with low back pain before and after a Pilates intervention clinical trial 4/10 Select
Effect of dietary adherence with or without exercise on weight loss: a mechanistic approach to a global problem clinical trial 4/10 Select
Efficacy of chest physiotherapy in pediatric patients with acute asthma exacerbations clinical trial 4/10 Select
Effect of pelvic floor muscle exercises in the treatment of urinary incontinence during pregnancy and the postpartum period clinical trial 4/10 Select
Bruksizme bagli temporomandibuler rahatsizliginda okluzal splint ve TENS tedavilerinin klinik ve agri esigi uzerine olan etkinliklerinin karsilastirilmasi (Comparative the effectiveness of occlusal splint and TENS treatments on clinical findings and pain threshold of temporomandibular disorders secondary to bruxism) [Turkish] clinical trial 4/10 Select
The application of peer mentoring to improve fitness in older adults clinical trial 4/10 Select
Effect of three exercise programs on patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease clinical trial 4/10 Select
Impact of physical activity on mood after TBI clinical trial 4/10 Select
A prospective randomised study on the long-term effect of lumbar fusion on adjacent disc degeneration clinical trial 4/10 Select
Progressive shoulder abduction loading is a crucial element of arm rehabilitation in chronic stroke clinical trial 4/10 Select
Exercise, fibromyalgia, and fibrofog: a pilot study clinical trial 4/10 Select
Intensity of resistance exercise determines adipokine and resting energy expenditure responses in overweight elderly individuals clinical trial 4/10 Select
(Early motor rehabilitation with the help of a software/hardware complex in acute period of stroke) [Russian] clinical trial 4/10 Select
Bracing in external rotation for traumatic anterior dislocation of the shoulder clinical trial 4/10 Select
Effects of physiotherapeutic instructions on anxiety of CABG patients clinical trial 4/10 Select
Mejora a corto plazo del peso y la calidad de vida de mujeres obesas posmenopausicas mediante un programa ambulatorio de ejercicio fisico (An ambulatory physical exercise program improves in the short term weight and quality of life of obese post-menopausal women) [Spanish] clinical trial 4/10 Select