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Found 62,314 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
Culturally-sensitive weight loss program produces significant reduction in weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol in eight weeks clinical trial 2/10 Select
Open-loop feedback to increase physical activity in obese children clinical trial 2/10 Select
(Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease after upper abdominal and thoracic surgery) [Chinese - simplified characters] clinical trial 2/10 Select
Eye patching in unilateral spatial neglect: efficacy of two methods clinical trial 2/10 Select
Positive impact of an intervention by arthritis patient educators on knowledge and satisfaction of patients in a rheumatology practice clinical trial 2/10 Select
Leptin concentrations and their relation to body fat distribution and weight loss -- a prospective study in individuals with impaired glucose tolerance. DPS-study group clinical trial 2/10 Select
Traitement de l'enuresie nocturne isolee: alarme sonore ou desmopressine? (Treatment of isolated nocturnal enuresis: alarm or desmopressin?) [French] clinical trial 2/10 Select
Acupuncture in the treatment of posttraumatic pain syndrome clinical trial 2/10 Select
(Air baths in the treatment of hypertension at the sanatorium stage) [Russian] clinical trial 2/10 Select
The relative effectiveness of spinal manipulation and ultrasound in mechanical pain: pilot study clinical trial 2/10 Select
Comparison of Rosidalk and Surepress in the treatment of venous leg ulcers [with consumer summary] clinical trial 2/10 Select
Luxation posterieure pure du coude chez l'adulte: immobilisation ou mobilisation precoce. Etude prospective randomisee sur 50 cas (Pure posterior luxation of the elbow in adults: immobilization or early mobilization. A randomized prospective study of 50 cases) [French] clinical trial 2/10 Select
Posicion mandibular en pacientes sometidos a terapia kinesica de cuarto superior (Mandibular position in patients undergoing upper quarter kinetic therapy) [Spanish] clinical trial 2/10 Select
A pilot program to increase self-care of adult asthma patients clinical trial 2/10 Select
Interaurikuliarnaia lazernaia terapiia revmatoidnogo artrita (Interauricular laser therapy of rheumatoid arthritis) [Russian] clinical trial 2/10 Select
(Clinical observation of the curative effect of sequela of apoplexy by electroacupuncture combined with Chinese medicine) [Chinese - simplified characters] clinical trial 2/10 Select
Prevention of injuries in young female players in European team handball. A prospective intervention study clinical trial 2/10 Select
Epley's manoeuvre for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo: a prospective study clinical trial 2/10 Select
80 cases of peripheral facial paralysis treated by acupuncture with vibrating shallow insertion clinical trial 2/10 Select
A prospective study of psychosocial correlates of physical activity for ethnic minority women clinical trial 2/10 Select
The effect of an educational intervention on decreasing pain intensity in elderly people with cancer clinical trial 2/10 Select
Evaluating the Pegasus Trinova: a data hierarchy approach [with consumer summary] clinical trial 2/10 Select
Is spa therapy cost-effective in rheumatic disorders? clinical trial 2/10 Select
Braced for impact: reducing military paratroopers' ankle sprains using outside-the-boot braces clinical trial 2/10 Select
Associations between central obesity and indexes of hemostatic, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Results of a 1-year intervention from the Oslo Diet and Exercise Study clinical trial 2/10 Select