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Found 62,314 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
Sukka ja elasinen sidonta suonikohjuleikkauksen jalkihoidossa (Compression stockings and elastic bandage in the postoperative treatment of varicose veins) [Finnish] clinical trial currently being rated Select
CPAP-behandling postoperativt hos patienter operert i "nyreknaek" (Postoperative CPAP therapy following surgery in the kidney area) [Danish] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Fysisk traening efter akut myokardieinfarkt (Physical training after acute myocardial infarction) [Danish] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Akupunkturbehandling af kroniske ansigtssmerter. En dobbeltblind overkrydsningsundersogelse (Acupuncture treatment of chronic facial pain. A double-blind cross-over study) [Danish] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Hyperekstension af fibrocartilago volaris i fingrenes proksimale interfalangealled (Hyperextension injuries of the volar fibrocartilage in the proximal interphalangeal joints of the fingers) [Danish] clinical trial currently being rated Select
(Comparative investigations on gonarthrosis treatment with some physical factors) [Bulgarian] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Transkutan nervestimulation som smertelindring hos patienter med reumatoid artrit (Transcutaneous nerve-stimulation for relief of pain in patients with rheumatoid arthritis) [Danish] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Hospitalstraening contra hjemmetraening af patienter med claudicatio intermittens (Hospital training compared with home training of patients with intermittent claudication) [Danish] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Zoneterapi og plasmakortisol under kirurgisk stress (Zone therapy and plasma cortisol during surgical stress) [Danish] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Meniskiruptuurapotilaiden kirurginen, fysikaalinen ja laakehoito (Surgical, medical and physical treatment of menisc rupture) [Finnish] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Laterale ligamentlaesioner i fodleddet (Lesions of the lateral ligament of the ankle joint) [Danish] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Tensoplast -- jo ideaaliside nilkan ja jalan venahdysten hoidossa (Treatment of ankle and foot sprains with tensoplast and elastic bandage) [Finnish] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Inflenta curei hidrominerale si balneare cu ape iodate si sulfuroase asupra anticorpilor rickettsieni, pararickettsieni si adenovirali la bolnavi cu afectiuni cornice associate pulmonare si reumatismale (Effect of mineral water and balneological treatment with iodated and sulfurated water on rickettsial, pararickettsial and adenoviral antibodies in patients with associated pulmonary and rheumatic chronic diseases) [Romanian] clinical trial currently being rated Select
The role of conservative treatment in lumbar disc herniations: WFNS spine committee recommendations practice guidelines currently being rated Select