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Found 62,314 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
(Reflex therapy in discogenic lumbrosacral radiculopathies: a comparative longitudinal study) [Bulgarian] clinical trial currently being rated Select
(Physiotherapy in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: oscillatory breathing with flutter VRP1) [Hebrew] clinical trial currently being rated Select
CPAP improves inspiratory muscle strength in patients with heart failure and central sleep apnea clinical trial currently being rated Select
Idyopatik adeziv kapsulitli olgularda lokal kortikosteroidlerin fizik tedavi ve rehabilitasyon programina katkisi (Contribution of local corticosteroids to physical therapy and rehabilitation programme in patients with idiopathic adhesive capsulitis) [Turkish] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Uretralprop -- en alternativ behandling til kvinder med stress-urinikontinens (The urethral plug -- an alternative treatment of women with genuine urinary stress incontinence) [Danish] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Akupunkturbehandling ved hjerneslag i subakutt fase (Acupuncture therapy in stroke during the subacute phase. A randomized controlled trial) [Norwegian] clinical trial currently being rated Select
(Dead Sea bath salts for osteoarthritis of the knee) [Hebrew] clinical trial currently being rated Select
(Prophylactic inspiratory muscle training before coronary artery bypass graft) [Hebrew] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Karpal tunel sendromunda 1 MHz icin 3 MHz ultrason uygulamasi (1 MHz to 3 MHz ultrasound applications in carpal tunnel syndrome) [Turkish] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Effects of nasal CPAP on sympathetic activity in patients with heart failure and central sleep apnea clinical trial currently being rated Select
Reacondicionamiento fisico para pacientes con EPOC [Spanish] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Hodnoceni telesne rehabilitace po revaskularizaci myokardu zatezovou echokardiografii (Evaluation of physical rehabilitation after revascularization of the heart muscle by echocardiography after exertion) [Czech] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Effekten af trykbandagebehandling i forbindelse med ergoterapeutisk behandling af Colles-fraktur. En klinisk kontrolleret undersogelse (Effect of intermittent pneumatic compression used in occupational therapy after Colles' fracture) [Danish] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Sundhedsokonomiske fordele ved personlig hospitalsbehandling af kronisk bronkitis (Health economic benefits of personalised hospital practice in chronic bronchitis) [Danish] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Fodzoneterapi og asthma bronchiale -- en klinisk kontrolleret undersogelse (Foot zone therapy and bronchial asthma -- a clinically controlled investigation) [Danish] clinical trial currently being rated Select
(Inspiratory muscle training for bronchial asthma) [Hebrew] clinical trial currently being rated Select
(Use of stethoscope by mothers of asthmatic children ages 1 to 5) [Hebrew] clinical trial currently being rated Select
(Balneological (spa) therapy for rheumatic diseases) [Hebrew] clinical trial currently being rated Select
(Infrared soft laser and treatment for pressure ulcers) [Dutch] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Leukanivelen toimintahairioiden diagnostiikka ja hoito. Tietokonetomografian kayttomahdollisuudet leukanivelen tutkimisessa ja purentafysiologisen hoidon vertailu akupunktuurihoitoon (Diagnosis and treatment of temporomandibular joint dysfunction. Results of a computed tomography study of the temporomandibular joint and physiological masticatory treatment compared to acupuncture) [Finnish] clinical trial currently being rated Select
En prospektiv, randomiseret udgift-nyttevirknings analyse af crusgabandager (Plaster of Paris compared with Hexcelite. A prospective, randomized, cost-benefit analysis of below-the-knee casts) [Danish] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Lavdosis-heparin kombineret med enten dihydroergotamin eller graderede stottestromper. Kombinationstromboseprofylakse ved colonkirurgi (Low-dosage heparin combined with either dihydroergotamine or graduated supportive stockings) [Danish] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Profylakse mod postoperativ dyb venos trombose. Lavdosis heparin versus gradueret kompressionsstrompe (Prevention of postoperative venous thrombosis. A comparison between low-dose heparin and graduated compression stockings) [Danish] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Akupunkturbehandling af kronisk tensionshovedpine: en kontrolleret overkrydsningsundersogelse (Acupuncture therapy for chronic tension headache: a controlled crossover study) [Danish] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Traktionsbehandling ved osteoarthrosis coxae. En kontrolleret undersogelse (Traction treatment in osteoarthrosis of the hip) [Danish] clinical trial currently being rated Select