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Found 9,260 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
Short-term effects of 890-nanometer radiation on pain, physical activity, and postural stability in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study clinical trial 6/10 Select
Immediate effects of bilateral grade III mobilization of the talocrural joint on the balance of elderly women clinical trial 6/10 Select
Preventative osteopathic manipulative treatment and the elderly nursing home resident: a pilot study clinical trial 6/10 Select
Randomized controlled trial of home rehabilitation for patients with ischemic stroke: impact upon disability and elderly depression clinical trial 6/10 Select
Participating in a virtual reality balance exercise program can reduce risk and fear of falls clinical trial 6/10 Select
Randomized controlled trial of CARE: an intervention to improve outcomes of hospitalized elders and family caregivers clinical trial 6/10 Select
Social cognitive changes following weight loss and physical activity interventions in obese, older adults in poor cardiovascular health clinical trial 6/10 Select
Effects of multicomponent exercise on cognitive function in older adults with amnestic mild cognitive impairment: a randomized controlled trial clinical trial 6/10 Select
A randomized control trial on the effectiveness of osteopathic manipulative treatment in reducing pain and improving the quality of life in elderly patients affected by osteoporosis clinical trial 6/10 Select
Effectiveness of a lifestyle intervention in promoting the well-being of independently living older people: results of the Well Elderly 2 randomised controlled trial [with consumer summary] clinical trial 6/10 Select
"Zicht op Evenwicht": een effectieve interventie om bezorgdheid om te vallen en gerelateerd vermijdingsgedrag bij ouderen te verminderen ("A matter of balance -- Netherlands": an effective intervention to reduce concerns about falls and related avoidance of activity in older people) [Dutch] clinical trial 6/10 Select
Impact of exercise on the functional capacity and pain of patients with knee osteoarthritis: a randomized clinical trial clinical trial 6/10 Select
The effect of preoperative quadriceps exercise on functional outcome after total knee arthroplasty clinical trial 6/10 Select
Enhanced medical rehabilitation increases therapy intensity and engagement and improves functional outcomes in postacute rehabilitation of older adults: a randomized-controlled trial clinical trial 6/10 Select
Type of activity pacing instruction affects physical activity variability in adults with symptomatic knee or hip osteoarthritis clinical trial 6/10 Select
Does a multicomponent exercise program improve dual-task performance in amnestic mild cognitive impairment? A randomized controlled trial clinical trial 6/10 Select
Mental disorder prevention and physical activity in Iranian elderly clinical trial 6/10 Select
Effortful swallowing training combined with electrical stimulation in post-stroke dysphagia: a randomized controlled study clinical trial 6/10 Select
Combined strength and endurance training improves health-related quality of life in healthy middle-aged and older adults clinical trial 6/10 Select
Neuromuscular electrical stimulation with Russian current for expiratory muscle training in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease clinical trial 6/10 Select
Effect of jumping exercise on muscle strength and balance of elderly people: a randomized controlled trial clinical trial 6/10 Select
Noninvasive proportional assist ventilation may be useful in weaning patients who failed a spontaneous breathing trial clinical trial 6/10 Select
Hemiarthroplasty for humeral four-part fractures for patients 65 years and older: a randomized controlled trial clinical trial 6/10 Select
(Influence of Taiji ball on health physical fitness of patients with type 2 diabetes) [Chinese - simplified characters] clinical trial 6/10 Select
Early versus late pulmonary rehabilitation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients with acute exacerbations: a randomized trial clinical trial 6/10 Select