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Found 9,298 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
Prospective randomised study of an orthopaedic geriatric inpatient service clinical trial 5/10 Select
No effect of continuous passive motion after arthroplasty of the knee clinical trial 5/10 Select
A cognitive-behavioral treatment for rheumatoid arthritis clinical trial 5/10 Select
Effects of admission to a nursing unit clinical trial 5/10 Select
Light resistance and stretching exercise in elderly women: effect upon flexibility clinical trial 5/10 Select
Impact of a geriatric consultation team on discharge placement and repeat hospitalization clinical trial 5/10 Select
Effects of physical exercise for elderly patients with physical impairments clinical trial 5/10 Select
Reduction in hospital readmission stay of elderly patients by a community based hospital discharge scheme: a randomised controlled trial clinical trial 5/10 Select
The effect of positive expiratory pressure versus forced expiration technique on tracheobronchial clearance in chronic bronchitics clinical trial 5/10 Select
Stroke treatment: comparison of integrated behavioral-physical therapy versus traditional physical therapy programs clinical trial 5/10 Select
Exercise training of men at retirement: a clinical trial clinical trial 5/10 Select
The benefits of group occupational therapy for patients with Parkinson's disease clinical trial 5/10 Select
Gehtraining und medikamentose therapie bei der peripheren arteriellen verschlusskrankheit: randomisierte, prospektive, placebo-kontrollierte doppelblindstudie (Walk training and drug therapy in peripheral arterial occlusive disease. A randomized, prospective, placebo-controlled double-blind study) [German] clinical trial 5/10 Select
Continuous positive airway pressure effect on functional residual capacity, vital capacity and its subdivisions clinical trial 5/10 Select
Effect of a geriatric consultation service on management of patients in an acute care hospital clinical trial 5/10 Select
A comparison of lay-taught and professional-taught arthritis self-management courses clinical trial 5/10 Select
Controlled environment unit in the care of the below-knee amputation stump clinical trial 5/10 Select
The effect of subcutaneous nerve stimulation (SCNS) on pain associated with osteoarthritis of the hip clinical trial 5/10 Select
Special mattresses: effectiveness in preventing decubitus ulcers in chronic neurologic patients clinical trial 5/10 Select
Effects of mental practice on balance in elderly women clinical trial 5/10 Select
Outcomes of self-help education for patients with arthritis clinical trial 5/10 Select
Mechanical vibration and conventional chest physiotherapy in outpatients with stable chronic obstructive lung disease clinical trial 5/10 Select
The significance of intensity of rehabilitation of stroke -- a controlled trial clinical trial 5/10 Select
A randomized controlled study of a home health care team clinical trial 5/10 Select
Effectiveness of a geriatric evaluation unit. A randomized clinical trial clinical trial 5/10 Select