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Found 9,208 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
Equilibrium in women with osteoporosis submitted to balance training with and without an oscillating vibratory pole clinical trial 4/10 Select
The effects of slackline balance training on postural control in older adults clinical trial 4/10 Select
Changes in dual-task performance after 5 months of karate and fitness training for older adults to enhance fall prevention clinical trial 4/10 Select
Effect of traditional resistance and power training using rated perceived exertion for enhancement of muscle strength, power, and functional performance clinical trial 4/10 Select
Whole-body vibration exercise therapy improves cardiac autonomic function and blood pressure in obese pre- and stage 1 hypertensive postmenopausal women clinical trial 4/10 Select
Aerobic exercise improves quality of life, psychological well-being and systemic inflammation in subjects with Alzheimer's disease clinical trial 4/10 Select
Randomized controlled resistance training based physical activity trial for central European nursing home residing older adults clinical trial 4/10 Select
A pilot study to assess the feasibility of group exercise and animal-assisted therapy in older adults clinical trial 4/10 Select
Strength training improves muscle aerobic capacity and glucose tolerance in elderly [with consumer summary] clinical trial 4/10 Select
Effect of a long-term physical activity intervention on resting pulse rate in older persons: results from the lifestyle interventions and independence for elders study clinical trial 4/10 Select
Circuit resistance training improved endothelial dysfunction in obese aged women clinical trial 4/10 Select
Effects of 4 weeks of explosive-type strength training for the plantar flexors on the rate of torque development and postural stability in elderly individuals clinical trial 4/10 Select
Exergames for older adults with subthreshold depression: does higher playfulness lead to better improvement in depression? clinical trial 4/10 Select
Avaliacao de diferentes programas de exercicios fisicos na forca muscular e autonomia funcional de idosas (Evaluation of different physical exercise programs in muscular strength and functional autonomy of elderly women) [Portuguese] clinical trial 4/10 Select
Four-year physical activity levels among intervention participants with type 2 diabetes clinical trial 4/10 Select
Effect of statin use on mobility disability and its prevention in at-risk older adults: the LIFE study clinical trial 4/10 Select
A comparative study between two sensory stimulation strategies after two weeks treatment on older patients with oropharyngeal dysphagia clinical trial 4/10 Select
(Effect of Tai Chi training on walking ability and fear of falling of patients with Parkinson's disease) [Chinese - simplified characters] clinical trial 4/10 Select
Effect of eye movements and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation on balance and head alignment in stroke patients with neglect syndrome clinical trial 4/10 Select
Efectos de la Nintendo Wii sobre el estado cardiorrespiratorio de adultos mayores: ensayo clinico aleatorizado. Estudio piloto (Nintendo Wii effects on cardiorespiratory fitness in older adults: a randomized clinical trial. A pilot trial) [Spanish] clinical trial 4/10 Select
Ensayo clinico aleatorizado de una estrategia de prevencion de caidas en ancianos institucionalizados basada en el Mini Falls Assessment Instrument (Randomized clinical trial of a fall-prevention strategy for institutionalized elderly based on the Mini Falls Assessment Instrument) [Spanish] clinical trial 4/10 Select
The effect of a four-week balance training program on anticipatory postural adjustments in older adults: a pilot feasibility study clinical trial 4/10 Select
Effectiveness of the self-regulation eHealth intervention 'MyPlan1.0.' on physical activity levels of recently retired Belgian adults: a randomized controlled trial clinical trial 4/10 Select
Effect of resistance training with elements of stretching on body composition and quality of life in postmenopausal women clinical trial 4/10 Select
Novel all-extremity high-intensity interval training improves aerobic fitness, cardiac function and insulin resistance in healthy older adults clinical trial 4/10 Select