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Found 4,659 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
Acupuncture for subacute stroke rehabilitation: a sham-controlled, subject- and assessor-blind, randomized trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
Impairment-oriented training or Bobath therapy for severe arm paresis after stroke: a single-blind, multicentre randomized controlled trial [with consumer summary] clinical trial 8/10 Select
Acupuncture for upper-extremity rehabilitation in chronic stroke: a randomized sham-controlled study clinical trial 8/10 Select
A randomised controlled comparison of alternative strategies in stroke care clinical trial 8/10 Select
Evaluation of an extended stroke unit service with early supported discharge for patients living in a rural community: a randomized controlled trial [with consumer summary] clinical trial 8/10 Select
Additional task-related practice improves mobility and upper limb function early after stroke: a randomised controlled trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
Multicenter randomized controlled trial of an outreach nursing support program for recently discharged stroke patients clinical trial 8/10 Select
Aerobic treadmill plus Bobath walking training improves walking in subacute stroke: a randomized controlled trial [with consumer summary] clinical trial 8/10 Select
Percutaneous coronary angioplasty compared with exercise training in patients with stable coronary artery disease: a randomized trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
Training carers of stroke patients: randomised controlled trial [with consumer summary] clinical trial 8/10 Select
Phantoms in the brain: spiegeltherapie bij chronische cva-patienten; een pilot-study (Mirror therapy in stroke patients) [Dutch] clinical trial 8/10 Select
A task-orientated intervention enhances walking distance and speed in the first year post stroke: a randomized controlled trial [with consumer summary] clinical trial 8/10 Select
Randomized clinical trial of therapeutic exercise in subacute stroke clinical trial 8/10 Select
Progressive resistance strengthening exercises after stroke: a single-blind randomized controlled trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
Does an early increased-intensity interdisciplinary upper limb therapy programme following acute stroke improve outcome? [with consumer summary] clinical trial 8/10 Select
Follow-up services for stroke survivors after hospital discharge -- a randomized control study [with consumer summary] clinical trial 8/10 Select
Physiotherapy for patients with mobility problems more than 1 year after stroke: a randomised controlled trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
Does acupuncture have additional value to standard poststroke motor rehabilitation? clinical trial 8/10 Select
Efficacy of strategy training in left hemisphere stroke patients with apraxia: a randomised clinical trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
Acupuncture and transcutaneous nerve stimulation in stroke rehabilitation: a randomized, controlled trial clinical trial 8/10 Select
Can readmission after stroke be prevented? Results of a randomized clinical study: a postdischarge follow-up service for stroke survivors clinical trial 8/10 Select
Home or hospital for stroke rehabilitation? Results of a randomized controlled trial I: health outcomes at 6 months clinical trial 8/10 Select
Effect of acute stroke unit care integrated with care continuum versus conventional treatment: a randomized 1-year study of elderly patients. The Goteborg 70+ stroke study clinical trial 8/10 Select
Domiciliary occupational therapy for patients with stroke discharged from hospital: randomised controlled trial [with consumer summary] clinical trial 8/10 Select
Alternative strategies for stroke care: a prospective randomised controlled trial clinical trial 8/10 Select