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Found 62,314 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
Hypnosis and biofeedback in the treatment of migraine headache clinical trial 2/10 Select
Effect of controlled training with respect to walking tolerance, maximal calf muscle blood flow, gait technique and muscle metabolism in patients with peripheral arterial insufficiency clinical trial 2/10 Select
Effect of short-term physical training on patients with rheumatoid arthritis I clinical trial 2/10 Select
Effect of short-term physical training on patients with rheumatoid arthritis. A six-month follow-up study clinical trial 2/10 Select
Lumbar traction: a double-blind controlled study for sciatica clinical trial 2/10 Select
Ryodoraku therapy for migraine headache clinical trial 2/10 Select
An evaluation of two post-meniscectomy regimes clinical trial 2/10 Select
Management of fractured scaphoid bone. A prospective study of 100 fractures clinical trial 2/10 Select
The value of mechanical methods of preventing postoperative calf vein thrombosis clinical trial 2/10 Select
A clinical trial of the management of sciatica with or without low back pain clinical trial 2/10 Select
Role of physical therapy in recovery of function after Colles' fracture clinical trial 2/10 Select
A comparative study of amphetamine, ephedrine-atropine mixture, placebo and behavioral conditioning in the treatment of nocturnal enuresis clinical trial 2/10 Select
The treatment of varicose veins in pregnancy by empty vein compressive sclerotherapy clinical trial 2/10 Select
La readaptation a la phase aigue de l'infarctus du myocarde (Rehabilitation in the acute phase of myocardial infarct) [French] clinical trial 2/10 Select
EMG biofeedback and tension headache: a controlled outcome study clinical trial 2/10 Select
The effect of continuous, intermittent, and "placebo" reinforcement on the effectiveness of the conditioning treatment for enuresis nocturna clinical trial 2/10 Select
Exercise versus hypnotherapy in coronary rehabilitation clinical trial 2/10 Select
The diagnosis and prophylaxis of pulmonary complications of surgical operation clinical trial 2/10 Select
An evaluation of two post meniscectomy regimes clinical trial 2/10 Select
Postburn edema of the upper extremity: evaluation of present treatment clinical trial 2/10 Select
Exercise in controlled trials of the prevention of coronary heart disease clinical trial 2/10 Select
The effects of vertical rocking frequencies on the arousal level in two-month-old infants clinical trial 2/10 Select
Further experience with the therapy based upon concepts of Patanjali in the treatment of psychiatric disorders clinical trial 2/10 Select
The immediate effects of systematic relaxation training on peak expiratory flow rates in asthmatic children clinical trial 2/10 Select
Effects of physical training on glucose tolerance, plasma insulin and lipids and on body composition in men after myocardial infarction clinical trial 2/10 Select