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Found 62,314 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
Multicomponent physical activity program to prevent body changes and metabolic disturbances associated with antiretroviral therapy and improve quality of life of people living with HIV: a pragmatic trial clinical trial 1/10 Select
Effects of routine physical therapy with and without lumbar mobilization in patients with grade I spondylolisthesis clinical trial 1/10 Select
A comparative study to evaluate the effect of blood flow restriction therapy and retro walking on pain, strength of muscles and WOMAC score in patients of osteoarthritis of knee clinical trial 1/10 Select
Feasibility and effects of 6-month home-based digitally supported E-Fit program utilizing high-intensity interval exercises in girls with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: a randomized controlled pilot study clinical trial 1/10 Select
Functional and molecular adaptations of quadriceps and hamstring muscles to blood flow restricted training in patients with ACL rupture [with consumer summary] clinical trial 1/10 Select
The impact of Tai Chi and mind-body breathing in COPD: insights from a qualitative sub-study of a randomized controlled trial clinical trial 1/10 Select
Benefits of physical therapy for people living with hemophilia clinical trial 1/10 Select
Application of artificial intelligence in emergency nursing of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease clinical trial 1/10 Select
Effectiveness of two rehabilitation treatments in the modulation of inflammation during the acute phase in patients with knee prostheses and assessment of the role of the diet in determining post-surgical inflammation clinical trial 1/10 Select
Prognostic factors that modify outcomes of vestibular rehabilitation in elderly patients with falls clinical trial 1/10 Select
Influence of 8-week aerobic training on the skin microcirculation in patients with ischaemic heart disease clinical trial 1/10 Select
(Interdisciplinary approach to the treatment of postmastectomy lymphedema) [Russian] clinical trial 1/10 Select
Efectos del entrenamiento en bicicleta con retroalimentacion visual sobre la marcha en pacientes con esclerosis multiple (Effect of visual biofeedback cycling training on gait in patients with multiple sclerosis) [Spanish] clinical trial 1/10 Select
Psychomotor abilities of elderly people and their motivation to participate in organized physical activity clinical trial 1/10 Select
Body composition changes in response to moderate or high-intensity exercise among older adults with or without HIV infection clinical trial 1/10 Select
Respiratory muscle training with theraband versus incentive spirometer among individuals with bronchial asthma clinical trial 1/10 Select
Comparative effect of trunk balance exercise over conventional back care exercise in patients with chronic mechanical low back pain clinical trial 1/10 Select
Feasibility of a Tai Chi with Thera-band training program: a pilot study clinical trial 1/10 Select
Effects on quadriceps muscle strength using EMG in supervised versus unsupervised post-operative anterior crucial ligament reconstruction clinical trial 1/10 Select
Immediate effect of local vibration therapy for sport-induced fatigue based on traditional Chinese medicine's holistic theory clinical trial 1/10 Select
A controlled clinical crossover trial of exercise training to improve cognition and neural communication in pediatric brain tumor survivors [with consumer summary] clinical trial 1/10 Select
Eficacia de la acupuntura y las ventosas en pacientes con sacrolumbalgia aguda (Efficacy of acupuncture and suction cups in patients with acute sacrolumbalgia) [Spanish] clinical trial 1/10 Select
The effect of a portable electrical muscle stimulation device at home on muscle strength and activation patterns in locomotive syndrome patients: a randomized control trial clinical trial 1/10 Select
Adherence to a long-term progressive resistance training program, combining supervised and home-based exercise for breast cancer patients during adjuvant treatment clinical trial 1/10 Select
The effects of aerobic and resistance exercise on state anxiety and cognitive function clinical trial 1/10 Select