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Found 62,314 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
Comparison of three preventive methods in order to reduce the incidence of ankle inversion sprains among female volleyball players clinical trial 1/10 Select
Predictors of treatment outcome in intermittent claudication clinical trial 1/10 Select
The association between subtalar joint motion and outcome satisfaction in patients with displaced intraarticular calcaneal fractures clinical trial 1/10 Select
Rezul'taty mnogotsentrovogo randomizirovannogo otkrytogo issledovaniia po izucheniiu effektivnosti izmeneniia obraza zhizni i terapii ingibitorami angiotenzinprevrashchaiushchego fermenta (kvinaprilom) u bol'nykh ozhireniem i arterial'noi gipertoniei (EKO) (Results of nonmedical interventions in multicenter randomized open study of efficacy of lifestyle modification and therapy with Quinapril in patients with obesity and hypertension) [Russian] clinical trial 1/10 Select
Self-efficacy intervention effect on physical activity in older adults clinical trial 1/10 Select
Active practice of Iyengar yoga as an intervention for breast cancer survivors clinical trial 1/10 Select
Facilitating exercise adherence for patients with multiple myeloma clinical trial 1/10 Select
Weight lifted in strength training predicts bone change in postmenopausal women clinical trial 1/10 Select
The effects of Tai Chi and walking on fatigue and body mass index in women living with breast cancer: a pilot study clinical trial 1/10 Select
Comparison of the responsiveness of the Harris Hip Score with generic measures for hip function in osteoarthritis of the hip clinical trial 1/10 Select
The effects of home interferential therapy on post-operative pain, edema, and range of motion of the knee clinical trial 1/10 Select
The effect of foot reflexology on pain in patients with metastatic cancer clinical trial 1/10 Select
Chronic low back pain -- comparative analysis of treatment response to drugs and different physical modalities clinical trial 1/10 Select
Costs associated with the primary prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus in the Diabetes Prevention Program clinical trial 1/10 Select
An educational program for parents of asthmatic preschool children: short- and medium-term effects [with consumer summary] clinical trial 1/10 Select
The efficacy of mindfulness-based stress reduction in the treatment of sleep disturbance in women with breast cancer: an exploratory study clinical trial 1/10 Select
The impact of physiotherapy intervention on functional independence and quality of life in palliative care clinical trial 1/10 Select
Treatment of patellar tendinopathy with extracorporeal shock wave therapy clinical trial 1/10 Select
Effectiveness of Cyriax manipulative therapy and elbow band in the treatment of lateral epicondylitis clinical trial 1/10 Select
Focus on caregiving. Falls prevention in dementia populations clinical trial 1/10 Select
The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP): description of lifestyle intervention clinical trial 1/10 Select
Effects of the hip abduction orthosis on muscle activity in children with cerebral palsy clinical trial 1/10 Select
Use of high and low velocity cervical manipulative therapy procedures by Australian manipulative physiotherapists clinical trial 1/10 Select
Wyniki skojarzonego leczenia uszkodzenia receptora przedsionkowego rehabilitacja ruchowa oraz wyciagiem z milorzebu japonskiego (Egb 761) (Results of combined treatment for vestibular receptor impairment with physical therapy and Ginkgo biloba extract (Egb 761)) [Polish] clinical trial 1/10 Select
Therapeutic touch and its effects on phantom limb and stump pain clinical trial 1/10 Select