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Found 62,314 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
The Diabetes Prevention Program: recruitment methods and results clinical trial 1/10 Select
Application of passive transverse forces in the rehabilitation of spinal deformities: a randomized controlled study clinical trial 1/10 Select
Comparison of nonsurgical treatment measures for de Quervain's disease of pregnancy and lactation clinical trial 1/10 Select
Hemostatic and inflammatory markers in obese youths: effects of exercise and adiposity clinical trial 1/10 Select
A randomized trial of peak-flow and symptom-based action plans in adults with moderate-to-severe asthma clinical trial 1/10 Select
Age effect on transcript levels and synthesis rate of muscle MHC and response to resistance exercise clinical trial 1/10 Select
Effekten af superviseret genoptraening pa ankelledsfunktion og risiko for recidivskade efter akut ankeldistorsion (The effect of supervised rehabilitation on ankle joint function and the risk of re-injury after acute ankle sprain) [Danish] clinical trial 1/10 Select
Collaboration, facilities and communities in day care services for older people clinical trial 1/10 Select
Implementing a psychological intervention to improve lifestyle self-management in patients with type 2 diabetes clinical trial 1/10 Select
Adherence to occupational therapist recommendations for home modifications for falls prevention clinical trial 1/10 Select
Simple treatment for torus fractures of the distal radius clinical trial 1/10 Select
Sensible aging: using nutrient-dense foods and physical exercise with the frail elderly clinical trial 1/10 Select
Correlates of compliance in a randomized exercise trial in myocardial infarction patients clinical trial 1/10 Select
Resistance exercise decreases skeletal muscle tumor necrosis factor alpha in frail elderly humans clinical trial 1/10 Select
A prospective analysis of the relationship between walking and mood in sedentary ethnic minority women clinical trial 1/10 Select
Resultados de un programa educativo para adultos con asma (Results of an educational program for adults with asthma) [Spanish] clinical trial 1/10 Select
A comparison of cranial electrotherapy stimulation alone or with chiropractic therapies in the treatment of fibromyalgia clinical trial 1/10 Select
Does splintage help pain after carpal tunnel release? clinical trial 1/10 Select
Comparison of behavior therapy methods for urinary incontinence following prostate surgery: a pilot study clinical trial 1/10 Select
Acupuntura em relacao a dor relativa no pos-operatorio das cirurgias artroscopicas no joelho (Acupuncture in relation to reported pain after arthroscopic knee surgery) [Portuguese] clinical trial 1/10 Select
Sensory stimulation (snoezelen) versus relaxation: a potential strategy for the management of chronic pain clinical trial 1/10 Select
The treatment of pulled elbow: a prospective randomized study clinical trial 1/10 Select
The effects of external bracing on joint position sense awareness for the chronically unstable ankle clinical trial 1/10 Select
Akupunktur versus laserakupunktur in der therapie des schleudertraumas der halswirbelsaule -- eine prospektiv randomisierte studie (Acupuncture versus laser acupuncture in the treatment of whiplash injury -- a prospective randomized study) [German] clinical trial 1/10 Select
A multidisciplinary TBI inpatient rehabilitation programme for active duty service members as part of a randomized clinical trial clinical trial 1/10 Select