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Found 62,314 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
Effect of health risk appraisal on health outcomes in a university worksite health promotion trial clinical trial 1/10 Select
Lack of influence of EMG biofeedback in relaxation training for spasmodic torticollis clinical trial 1/10 Select
Splinting for carpal tunnel syndrome: in search of the optimal angle clinical trial 1/10 Select
Behandlung der HWS-distorsionen bei sog "schleuderverletzungen" (Treatment of dislocations of the cervical vertebrae in so-called "whiplash injuries") [German] clinical trial 1/10 Select
Reduction of back and posterior pelvic pain in pregnancy clinical trial 1/10 Select
Objective assessment for exercise treatment on the B-200 isostation as part of work tolerance rehabilitation. A random prospective blind evaluation with comparison control population clinical trial 1/10 Select
Design and development of portable biofeedback systems for use in oral dysphagia rehabilitation clinical trial 1/10 Select
Preventing heel pressure sores: a comparison of heel pressure relieving devices clinical trial 1/10 Select
Management of occupational back pain: the Sherbrooke model. Results of a pilot and feasibility study clinical trial 1/10 Select
The effect of saline lavage prior to suctioning clinical trial 1/10 Select
Ultrasound therapy of chronic arm lymphedema after surgical treatment of breast cancer clinical trial 1/10 Select
Effectiveness of a custom-made below elbow lateral counterforce splint in the treatment of lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) clinical trial 1/10 Select
A randomized controlled trial comparing early and intensive task-specific therapy to conventional therapy in acute stroke patients clinical trial 1/10 Select
Computer-assisted feedback and gait re-education in stroke patients: a two-centre randomized control trial clinical trial 1/10 Select
Intra-articular fractures of the calcaneum treated operatively or conservatively. A prospective study clinical trial 1/10 Select
The effects of exercise therapy on clients in a psychiatric rehabilitation program clinical trial 1/10 Select
Il massaggio trasversale profondo secondo Cyriax nella legamentite ileo-lombare (Deep friction using Cyriax' method and the iliolumbar syndrome) [Italian] clinical trial 1/10 Select
A cost-benefit analysis of a California county's back injury prevention program clinical trial 1/10 Select
Accidents in elderly care: a randomised controlled trial (part 3) clinical trial 1/10 Select
Kann die thermotherapie bei der spondylitis ankylosans zur aktivierung der erkrankung fuhren? Vergleich zwischen thermotherapie und ganzkorperkaltetherapie (Can thermal therapy of ankylosing spondylitis induce an activation of the disease?) [German] clinical trial 1/10 Select
The effect of cold therapy on morbidity subsequent to arthroscopic lateral retinacular release clinical trial 1/10 Select
Effects of continuous passive movement and plaster of Paris after internal fixation of ankle fractures clinical trial 1/10 Select
Predictability of psychic outcome for exercise training and exercise training including relaxation therapy after myocardial infarction clinical trial 1/10 Select
The effects of splinting on the spastic hemiplegic hand: report of a feasibility study clinical trial 1/10 Select
Aerobic exercise training in an AIDS risk group clinical trial 1/10 Select