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Found 62,314 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
A comparison between the lecture and self-study methods on female students' awareness and attitudes about text neck syndrome clinical trial currently being rated Select
A randomized controlled trial on the effectiveness of mirror therapy in improving strength, range of movement and muscle activity, in people with carpal tunnel syndrome [with consumer summary] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Effects of a physical education intervention on attention and inhibitory control in Ecuadorian children with intellectual disabilities clinical trial currently being rated Select
Training response abilities of children with intellectual disabilities: a randomized controlled trial clinical trial currently being rated Select
Quantitative EEG for the monitoring of walking recovery in chronic stroke patients receiving action observation training clinical trial currently being rated Select
An investigation into the correlation between early-to-mid pregnancy exercise combined with cognitive behavioral therapy and anxiety levels and quality of life in patients clinical trial currently being rated Select
Dry needling with the use of FRSc technique in addition to standard rehabilitation program for chronic low back pain: a randomized controlled trial using both PROMs and measurement tools clinical trial currently being rated Select
Use of a peanut ball, positioning and pelvic mobility in parturient women shortens labour and improves maternal satisfaction with childbirth: a randomised trial [with consumer summary] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Effect of an aerobic dancing program on sleep quality for older adults with mild cognitive impairment and poor sleep: a randomized controlled trial clinical trial currently being rated Select
Effects of multicomponent home-based intervention on muscle composition, fitness and bone density after hip fracture clinical trial currently being rated Select
A preoperative package of care for osteoarthritis, consisting of weight loss, orthotics, rehabilitation, and topical and oral analgesia (OPPORTUNITY): a two-centre, open-label, randomised controlled feasibility trial [with consumer summary] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Efficacy of the "Start to move" protocol on functionality, ICU-acquired weakness and delirium: a randomized clinical trial clinical trial currently being rated Select
The impact of inertial exercises performed in the workplace on shoulder muscles' strength and muscles' fatigue resistance in women with disabilities clinical trial currently being rated Select
High-intensity interval training in individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder: a randomized controlled pilot trial [with consumer summary] clinical trial currently being rated Select
A study to evaluate the exercise prescription through video and brochure in telerehabilitation of patients with knee osteoarthritis clinical trial currently being rated Select
Perception-action approach versus standard care for infants with congenital muscular torticollis: a pilot single-blind randomized controlled trial clinical trial currently being rated Select
Comparison of 10 x 1-minute high-intensity interval training (HIIT) versus 4 x 4-minute HIIT on glucose control and variability in females with type 2 diabetes [with consumer summary] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Efficacy of aquatic versus land-based therapy for pain management in women with fibromyalgia: a randomised controlled trial [with consumer summary] clinical trial currently being rated Select
A stepped-wedge cluster-randomized controlled trial of a multi-interventional approach for fall prevention clinical trial currently being rated Select
Comparative analysis of the therapeutic effects of extracorporeal shock wave therapy and high-intensity laser therapy in lateral epicondylitis: a randomised clinical trial clinical trial currently being rated Select
Beneficial effect of Nasturtium officinale and high intensity interval training on serum adrenomedullin and blood pressure in subclinical hypothyroidism: a randomized clinical trial clinical trial currently being rated Select
Keep calm and keep rowing: the psychophysical effects of dragon boat program in breast cancer survivors clinical trial currently being rated Select
The results of the corrective rehabilitation program on the gait of amateur athletes with long-term consequences of brain injury clinical trial currently being rated Select
Using a birth ball to reduce pain perception in the latent phase of labour: a randomised controlled trial [with consumer summary] clinical trial currently being rated Select
Improving blood pressure control and pregnancy outcomes: the impact of evidence-based care and aerobic exercise in patients with hypertensive disorders during pregnancy clinical trial currently being rated Select