Neurology Update

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Found 45 records
Title Method Score (/10) Select Record
Assistive technologies, including orthotic devices, for the management of contractures in adults after a stroke (Cochrane review) [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Effects of nonimmersive virtual reality using Wii-Fit exercises on balance and cognition in Parkinson disease: a meta-analysis systematic review N/A Select
Evaluating the efficacy of gross-motor-based interventions for children with developmental coordination disorder: a systematic review systematic review N/A Select
Can physical exercise be considered as a promising enhancer of global cognition in people with Parkinson's disease? Results of a systematic review and meta-analysis systematic review N/A Select
Inspiratory training for improving respiratory strength, pulmonary function, and walking in cerebral palsy: a meta-analysis [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Effectiveness and users' perceptions of upper extremity exoskeletons and robot-assisted devices in children with physical disabilities: systematic review systematic review N/A Select
Effects of group exercise on motor function and mobility for Parkinson disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Effect of rhythmically cued exercise interventions on functions in patients with Parkinson disease: a meta-analysis [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
The effects of aquatic therapy on depression, fatigue, and balance in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis systematic review N/A Select
Comparing the effects of different acupoint-stimulating therapies in mitigating post-stroke spasticity and motor dysfunction in older stroke survivors: a network meta-analysis of randomized trials [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Effectiveness of motor imagery in the rehabilitation of people with Parkinson's disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis systematic review N/A Select
A systematic review and qualitative synthesis of weight management interventions for people with spinal cord injury systematic review N/A Select
Metode vestibularne terapije in njihov vpliv na kakovost zivljenja odraslih oseb z motnjami v delovanju vestibularnega sistema: pregled literature (Vestibular therapy methods and their impact on the quality of life of adults with vestibular system disorders) [Slovenian] systematic review N/A Select
Robotics in physical rehabilitation: systematic review systematic review N/A Select
Acupuncture and acupoints for managing pediatric cerebral palsy: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials systematic review N/A Select
Active rehabilitation following acute mild traumatic brain injury: a systematic review systematic review N/A Select
Acupuncture-related interventions improve chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy: a systematic review and network meta-analysis systematic review N/A Select
Motivational modulation enhances movement performance in Parkinson's disease: a systematic review systematic review N/A Select
The effectiveness of exergames in improving physical activity behaviour and physical literacy domains in adolescents with developmental coordination disorder and cerebral palsy: a scoping review [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Effectiveness of infantile tuina for improving motor dysfunction in children with spastic cerebral palsy: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
Optimal dosage ranges of various exercise types for enhancing timed up and go performance in Parkinson's disease patients: a systematic review and Bayesian network meta-analysis systematic review N/A Select
Electroacupuncture for urinary retention after stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials [with consumer summary] systematic review N/A Select
In vivo longitudinal and transverse nerve excursion in response to joint movement in asymptomatic and symptomatic individuals: a systematic review systematic review N/A Select
The effect of physical exercise on anxiety in people with Parkinson's disease: a systematic review of randomized control trials systematic review N/A Select
Effectiveness of physical therapy interventions on post-stroke spasticity: an umbrella review systematic review N/A Select